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export function NoBuild() { return ( <svg class="bg-green-200 md:bg-yellow-200 rounded-full w-20 h-20" viewBox="0 0 75 75" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M29.6442 31.5258C32.7992 30.1446 35 27.0249 35 23.3976C35 19.5107 31.9774 16.2066 28.4569 15L28.4771 23.0715L26.1651 24.4575L23.6055 23.0715L22.5523 15C19.0318 16.2066 17 19.5107 17 23.3976C17 27.0249 19.2008 30.1446 22.3558 31.5258L20.9876 59.8211C20.8443 62.6385 23.1298 65 26 65C28.8702 65 31.1557 62.6385 31.0124 59.8211L29.6442 31.5258Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M47.284 42.6163L47.2873 41L53.9958 41.0114L53.9921 42.795L54.6175 43.4406C55.4816 44.3326 56.0026 45.5025 56 46.789L55.9644 60.98C55.9588 63.7576 53.4998 66.0051 50.472 66C47.4443 65.9948 44.9944 63.7389 45 60.9613L45.0356 46.7703C45.0383 45.4095 45.6267 44.1799 46.5868 43.2741L47.284 42.6163Z" fill="white" /> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M49.8521 12.4306L51.318 12.4333L53.1045 15.1525L52.2037 17.8668L52.1223 17.8666L52.0805 40.4179L56.64 40.4264L56.6332 44.1144C57.5516 45.3706 58.0938 46.9224 58.0907 48.5973L58.0649 59.8452C58.0571 64.0303 54.6581 67.4168 50.473 67.409C46.2878 67.4012 42.9014 64.0022 42.9092 59.8171L42.9351 48.5692C42.9384 46.7973 43.5513 45.1662 44.5726 43.878L44.579 40.404L48.9858 40.4122L49.0276 17.8609L48.0554 15.1432L49.8521 12.4306ZM48.1615 45.2833L48.1639 44.0022L53.0418 44.0113L53.0392 45.425L53.494 45.9367C54.1223 46.6437 54.5011 47.5709 54.4992 48.5907L54.4733 59.8386C54.4692 62.0401 52.6812 63.8215 50.4796 63.8174C48.2781 63.8134 46.4966 62.0253 46.5007 59.8238L46.5266 48.5759C46.5286 47.4973 46.9564 46.5227 47.6545 45.8047L48.1615 45.2833Z" fill="#6C6E78" /> </svg> );}
export function TypeScript() { return ( <svg class="bg-yellow-200 md:bg-blue-200 rounded-full w-20 h-20" viewBox="0 0 75 75" fill="none" xmlns="" > <rect x="19.0002" y="39.2439" width="35" height="13" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M24.0538 40.3665C24.4356 39.4174 24.0397 38.3332 23.1361 37.8535L15.509 33.8043C14.5877 33.3152 13.4452 33.6163 12.8846 34.4959L8.31343 41.6682C7.99514 42.1676 7.91454 42.7824 8.09335 43.347C8.27217 43.9115 8.692 44.3678 9.23976 44.593L18.6291 48.4517C19.1221 48.6543 19.6756 48.6518 20.1667 48.4446C20.6578 48.2374 21.0459 47.8428 21.2448 47.3483L24.0538 40.3665Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M49.9732 40.9998C49.7598 40.5079 49.7529 39.9509 49.954 39.4539C50.1551 38.9569 50.5473 38.5614 51.0427 38.3562L59.0669 35.0327C59.964 34.6611 60.9984 34.9876 61.5197 35.8069L65.6876 42.3581C66.0054 42.8575 66.0856 43.472 65.9066 44.0363C65.7277 44.6005 65.308 45.0565 64.7605 45.2815L55.6007 49.0459C54.5929 49.4601 53.4391 48.9914 53.0056 47.9918L49.9732 40.9998Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <mask id="path-4-inside-1_230_106" fill="white"> <rect x="22.7859" y="6" width="27.9707" height="26.5363" rx="3.45287" /> </mask> <rect x="22.7859" y="6" width="27.9707" height="26.5363" rx="3.45287" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="8" stroke-linejoin="round" mask="url(#path-4-inside-1_230_106)" /> <path d="M21.0002 48.2439C20.4343 48.2439 19.8949 48.4837 19.5157 48.9037C19.1364 49.3238 18.953 49.8849 19.0107 50.4479L20.8562 68.4479C20.9608 69.4681 21.8202 70.2439 22.8458 70.2439H50.696C51.7445 70.2439 52.615 69.4342 52.6908 68.3884L53.995 50.3884C54.0352 49.8343 53.843 49.2885 53.4647 48.8817C53.0863 48.475 52.5558 48.2439 52.0002 48.2439H21.0002Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M20.5889 48.2439C19.6815 48.2439 18.8878 48.8548 18.6555 49.732L17.0669 55.732C16.908 56.332 17.0367 56.9719 17.4153 57.4638C17.794 57.9557 18.3795 58.2439 19.0002 58.2439H53.0002C53.6034 58.2439 54.1744 57.9717 54.5541 57.5031C54.9339 57.0344 55.0818 56.4195 54.9568 55.8294L53.6857 49.8294C53.4899 48.9051 52.6739 48.2439 51.7291 48.2439H20.5889Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M29.7296 17.3967V15.6467H36.6827V17.3967H34.2765V23.6467H32.1359V17.3967H29.7296ZM41.8126 18.1467C41.7918 17.8863 41.6941 17.6832 41.5197 17.5374C41.3478 17.3915 41.0861 17.3186 40.7345 17.3186C40.5105 17.3186 40.3269 17.3459 40.1837 17.4006C40.0431 17.4527 39.9389 17.5243 39.8712 17.6155C39.8035 17.7066 39.7684 17.8108 39.7657 17.928C39.7605 18.0243 39.7775 18.1116 39.8165 18.1897C39.8582 18.2652 39.9233 18.3342 40.0118 18.3967C40.1004 18.4566 40.2137 18.5113 40.3517 18.5608C40.4897 18.6103 40.6538 18.6545 40.8439 18.6936L41.5001 18.8342C41.9428 18.928 42.3217 19.0517 42.6368 19.2053C42.9519 19.359 43.2098 19.54 43.4103 19.7483C43.6108 19.954 43.7579 20.1858 43.8517 20.4436C43.948 20.7014 43.9975 20.9827 44.0001 21.2874C43.9975 21.8134 43.866 22.2587 43.6056 22.6233C43.3452 22.9879 42.9728 23.2652 42.4884 23.4553C42.0066 23.6454 41.4272 23.7405 40.7501 23.7405C40.0548 23.7405 39.448 23.6376 38.9298 23.4319C38.4142 23.2262 38.0131 22.9097 37.7267 22.4827C37.4428 22.053 37.2996 21.5035 37.297 20.8342H39.3595C39.3725 21.079 39.4337 21.2847 39.5431 21.4514C39.6525 21.6181 39.8061 21.7444 40.004 21.8303C40.2045 21.9163 40.4428 21.9592 40.7189 21.9592C40.9506 21.9592 41.1447 21.9306 41.3009 21.8733C41.4572 21.816 41.5756 21.7366 41.6564 21.635C41.7371 21.5334 41.7788 21.4176 41.7814 21.2874C41.7788 21.165 41.7384 21.0582 41.6603 20.967C41.5848 20.8733 41.4598 20.79 41.2853 20.717C41.1108 20.6415 40.8751 20.5712 40.5782 20.5061L39.7814 20.3342C39.073 20.1806 38.5144 19.9241 38.1056 19.5647C37.6993 19.2027 37.4975 18.7092 37.5001 18.0842C37.4975 17.5764 37.6329 17.1324 37.9064 16.7522C38.1824 16.3694 38.5639 16.0712 39.0509 15.8577C39.5405 15.6441 40.1017 15.5374 40.7345 15.5374C41.3803 15.5374 41.9389 15.6454 42.4103 15.8616C42.8816 16.0777 43.2449 16.3824 43.5001 16.7756C43.7579 17.1663 43.8881 17.6233 43.8907 18.1467H41.8126Z" fill="#6C6E78" /> </svg> );}
export function Island() { return ( <svg class="bg-blue-200 rounded-full w-20 h-20" viewBox="0 0 75 75" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M24.8765 39.3727C16.4753 36.5509 8.60772 50.9392 13.5157 54.999C18.4236 59.0588 27.0005 56.7329 35.569 56.7329C38.2618 56.7329 41.2797 56.7952 44.2466 56.8159C49.2995 57.4544 59.6147 57.6582 60.4526 53.3657C62.4427 47.3005 51.5966 33.7385 47.8048 32.5681C36.246 29.0003 37.3759 43.5709 24.8765 39.3727Z" fill="white" /> <path d="M43.8994 56.801C40.9326 56.7803 37.9147 56.718 35.2219 56.718C26.6533 56.718 18.0765 59.0439 13.1685 54.9841C8.26055 50.9243 16.1281 36.536 24.5293 39.3578C37.0288 43.556 35.8989 28.9854 47.4577 32.5532C51.2495 33.7236 62.0956 47.2856 60.1054 53.3508" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> <path d="M53.4297 52.6355C50.5204 52.2718 45.7928 60.2724 46.5201 62.0907C47.2474 63.9091 48.3384 65 53.4297 65C58.521 65 60.3393 63.5454 59.9756 61.3634C59.6119 59.1814 56.339 52.9991 53.4297 52.6355Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" /> <path d="M15.8976 48.26C18.0796 47.169 22.8072 46.0776 26.0801 47.5322C29.3531 48.9869 34.0807 50.8051 40.6266 49.3505C47.1725 47.8959 47.1725 43.1682 55.5368 45.7139" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> <path d="M41 21.1538C41 23.2294 39.2584 25 37 25C34.7416 25 33 23.2294 33 21.1538C33 20.87 33.163 20.269 33.708 19.2319C34.1695 18.3536 34.7738 17.3956 35.4483 16.3263C35.5287 16.1988 35.6102 16.0697 35.6925 15.9389C36.1237 15.2541 36.5758 14.5288 37 13.7903C37.4242 14.5288 37.8763 15.2541 38.3075 15.9389C38.3898 16.0697 38.4713 16.1988 38.5517 16.3263C39.2262 17.3956 39.8305 18.3536 40.292 19.2319C40.837 20.269 41 20.87 41 21.1538Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> );}
// from function Globe() { return ( <svg class="bg-green-200 rounded-full w-20 h-20" viewBox="0 0 75 75" fill="none" xmlns="" > <circle cx="37.5" cy="37.5" r="20.5" fill="white" /> <path d="M17.1253 35.2222H21.5556C22.7638 35.2222 23.9225 35.7022 24.7768 36.5565C25.6312 37.4108 26.1111 38.5696 26.1111 39.7778V42.0556C26.1111 43.2638 26.5911 44.4225 27.4454 45.2768C28.2997 46.1311 29.4585 46.6111 30.6667 46.6111C31.8749 46.6111 33.0336 47.0911 33.8879 47.9454C34.7423 48.7997 35.2222 49.9585 35.2222 51.1667V57.8747M28.3889 19.1297V22.6944C28.3889 24.2047 28.9888 25.6531 30.0568 26.721C31.1247 27.7889 32.5731 28.3889 34.0833 28.3889H35.2222C36.4304 28.3889 37.5892 28.8688 38.4435 29.7232C39.2978 30.5775 39.7778 31.7362 39.7778 32.9444C39.7778 34.1527 40.2577 35.3114 41.1121 36.1657C41.9664 37.02 43.1251 37.5 44.3333 37.5C45.5415 37.5 46.7003 37.02 47.5546 36.1657C48.4089 35.3114 48.8889 34.1527 48.8889 32.9444C48.8889 31.7362 49.3688 30.5775 50.2232 29.7232C51.0775 28.8688 52.2362 28.3889 53.4444 28.3889H55.868M44.3333 56.8338V51.1667C44.3333 49.9585 44.8133 48.7997 45.6676 47.9454C46.522 47.0911 47.6807 46.6111 48.8889 46.6111H55.868M58 37.5C58 40.1921 57.4698 42.8578 56.4395 45.345C55.4093 47.8322 53.8993 50.0921 51.9957 51.9957C50.0921 53.8993 47.8322 55.4093 45.345 56.4395C42.8578 57.4698 40.1921 58 37.5 58C34.8079 58 32.1422 57.4698 29.655 56.4395C27.1678 55.4093 24.9079 53.8993 23.0043 51.9957C21.1007 50.0921 19.5907 47.8322 18.5605 45.345C17.5302 42.8578 17 40.1921 17 37.5C17 32.0631 19.1598 26.8488 23.0043 23.0043C26.8488 19.1598 32.0631 17 37.5 17C42.9369 17 48.1512 19.1598 51.9957 23.0043C55.8402 26.8488 58 32.0631 58 37.5Z" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> );}
export function LightWeight() { return ( <svg class="bg-yellow-200 rounded-full w-20 h-20" viewBox="0 0 75 75" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M30.323 50.1677C29.8721 49.8671 28.7299 48.6949 27.7681 46.4105C36.7993 41.3595 29.128 29.5594 21.1555 35.8905C15.5533 40.3393 17.6603 50.2484 19.7385 56.4481C17.4611 57.4948 14.4355 63.0071 16.9474 65.5191C19.4594 68.031 23.3436 65.8806 24.9717 64.4913C27.4228 65.3605 30.8953 65.8286 34.3916 66.2169C33.3449 73.1945 43.4625 72.8456 45.207 70.4035C46.9514 67.9613 45.9047 68.3102 45.9047 66.2169C47.5891 65.8119 48.1797 65.4739 49.5 64.4913C52.0585 64.9679 59.5112 67.6124 63 59.5881C57.069 60.9836 53.7647 58.8955 51 57.5C48 44.5 34.3916 44 30.323 50.1677Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M26.7447 65.1702C24.3025 58.1925 29.6623 51.64 33.5 48.5C34.4304 48.5 38.4297 47.6627 41.4999 48.5C35.0804 53.803 31.8617 62.9606 32.3268 65.868C31.7454 65.868 29.8149 65.7284 26.7447 65.1702Z" fill="#6C6E78" /> <path d="M36 46L36.4849 29.1428" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" /> <path d="M36.8337 27.7464C42.2272 27.7464 46.1603 22.8429 46.1603 17.3732C46.1603 11.9035 42.2272 7 36.8337 7C31.4403 7 27.5072 11.9035 27.5072 17.3732C27.5072 22.8429 31.4403 27.7464 36.8337 27.7464Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" /> <path d="M34.3916 30.8922L36.4849 28.1011L38.9271 30.8922H34.3916Z" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M38.2293 59.5881C34.7405 60.9836 34.3916 64.8213 34.3916 65.868" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" /> <circle cx="25.5" cy="38.5" r="1.5" fill="#6C6E78" /> </svg> );}
export function Gabage() { return ( <svg class="bg-blue-200 md:bg-green-200 rounded-full w-20 h-20" viewBox="0 0 75 75" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M16.005 26.4841C15.4819 23.4303 56.4538 22.9234 57 26.4841L56.0103 35.8989L48.0082 42.1286C48.0082 47.559 26.9502 47.2714 26.9502 41.298L16.8423 35.0682L16.005 26.4841Z" fill="#6C6E78" /> <rect x="31.8011" y="11.3972" width="21.6202" height="24.1198" rx="2" transform="rotate(17.4292 31.8011 11.3972)" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M44.4035 36.4333L26.8075 37.3565C25.7044 37.4144 24.7633 36.5671 24.7054 35.4641L23.6512 15.3719C23.5933 14.2689 24.4406 13.3278 25.5436 13.2699L36.0817 12.717C36.629 12.6882 37.1642 12.8854 37.562 13.2624L45.0097 20.3184C45.3819 20.6712 45.6045 21.1534 45.6314 21.6655L46.296 34.3312C46.3538 35.4343 45.5066 36.3754 44.4035 36.4333Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M37.0664 12.6393V20.7628H41.1282H45.1899" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> <path d="M21.371 59.8173L18.3324 30.1443C19.439 30.3495 20.766 30.5156 22.2219 30.6503C26.1528 31.0142 31.3471 31.1776 36.5067 31.1603C41.6674 31.1431 46.8576 30.9448 50.7825 30.5728C52.264 30.4323 53.6071 30.2634 54.7178 30.0605L52.0492 59.8426C52.0457 59.8822 52.0433 59.922 52.0421 59.9617C52.0222 60.0083 51.9242 60.2102 51.5236 60.5509C50.9569 61.0328 50.0124 61.585 48.6549 62.1081C45.9574 63.1474 41.9747 63.9394 37.1105 63.9965C32.0512 64.0559 27.8606 63.3506 25.0081 62.325C23.5731 61.809 22.5738 61.2466 21.9724 60.7394C21.4388 60.2893 21.3856 60.0355 21.3814 60.0124C21.3811 59.9473 21.3777 59.8822 21.371 59.8173Z" fill="white" stroke="#6C6E78" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round" /> </svg> );}