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import { h } from "preact";import { DEBUG } from "./constants.ts";import type { ErrorPageProps } from "./types.ts";
export default function DefaultErrorPage(props: ErrorPageProps) { const { error } = props;
let message = undefined; if (DEBUG) { if (error instanceof Error) { message = error.stack; } else { message = String(error); } }
return h( "div", { style: { display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", }, }, h( "div", { style: { border: "#f3f4f6 2px solid", borderTop: "red 4px solid", background: "#f9fafb", margin: 16, minWidth: "300px", width: "50%", }, }, h("p", { style: { margin: 0, fontSize: "12pt", padding: 16, fontFamily: "sans-serif", }, }, "An error occured during route handling or page rendering."), message && h("pre", { style: { margin: 0, fontSize: "12pt", overflowY: "auto", padding: 16, paddingTop: 0, fontFamily: "monospace", }, }, message), ), );}