

The next-gen web framework.
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import { BuildOptions } from "";import { BUILD_ID } from "./constants.ts";import { denoPlugin, esbuild, toFileUrl } from "./deps.ts";import { Island, Plugin } from "./types.ts";
export interface JSXConfig { jsx: "react" | "react-jsx"; jsxImportSource?: string;}
let esbuildInitialized: boolean | Promise<void> = false;async function ensureEsbuildInitialized() { if (esbuildInitialized === false) { if ( === undefined) { esbuildInitialized = esbuild.initialize({ wasmURL: "", worker: false, }); } else { esbuild.initialize({}); } await esbuildInitialized; esbuildInitialized = true; } else if (esbuildInitialized instanceof Promise) { await esbuildInitialized; }}
const JSX_RUNTIME_MODE = { "react": "transform", "react-jsx": "automatic",} as const;
export class Bundler { #importMapURL: URL; #jsxConfig: JSXConfig; #islands: Island[]; #plugins: Plugin[]; #cache: Map<string, Uint8Array> | Promise<void> | undefined = undefined; #dev: boolean;
constructor( islands: Island[], plugins: Plugin[], importMapURL: URL, jsxConfig: JSXConfig, dev: boolean, ) { this.#islands = islands; this.#plugins = plugins; this.#importMapURL = importMapURL; this.#jsxConfig = jsxConfig; this.#dev = dev; }
async bundle() { const entryPoints: Record<string, string> = { main: this.#dev ? new URL("../../src/runtime/main_dev.ts", import.meta.url).href : new URL("../../src/runtime/main.ts", import.meta.url).href, };
for (const island of this.#islands) { entryPoints[`island-${}`] = island.url; }
for (const plugin of this.#plugins) { for (const [name, url] of Object.entries(plugin.entrypoints ?? {})) { entryPoints[`plugin-${}-${name}`] = url; } }
const absWorkingDir = Deno.cwd(); await ensureEsbuildInitialized(); // In dev-mode we skip identifier minification to be able to show proper // component names in Preact DevTools instead of single characters. const minifyOptions: Partial<BuildOptions> = this.#dev ? { minifyIdentifiers: false, minifySyntax: true, minifyWhitespace: true } : { minify: true }; const bundle = await{ bundle: true, define: { __FRSH_BUILD_ID: `"${BUILD_ID}"` }, entryPoints, format: "esm", metafile: true, ...minifyOptions, outdir: ".", // This is requried to ensure the format of the outputFiles path is the same // between windows and linux absWorkingDir, outfile: "", platform: "neutral", plugins: [denoPlugin({ importMapURL: this.#importMapURL })], sourcemap: this.#dev ? "linked" : false, splitting: true, target: ["chrome99", "firefox99", "safari15"], treeShaking: true, write: false, jsx: JSX_RUNTIME_MODE[this.#jsxConfig.jsx], jsxImportSource: this.#jsxConfig.jsxImportSource, }); // const metafileOutputs = bundle.metafile!.outputs;
// for (const path in metafileOutputs) { // const meta = metafileOutputs[path]; // const imports = meta.imports // .filter(({ kind }) => kind === "import-statement") // .map(({ path }) => `/${path}`); // this.#preloads.set(`/${path}`, imports); // }
const cache = new Map<string, Uint8Array>(); const absDirUrlLength = toFileUrl(absWorkingDir).href.length; for (const file of bundle.outputFiles) { cache.set( toFileUrl(file.path).href.substring(absDirUrlLength), file.contents, ); } this.#cache = cache;
return; }
async cache(): Promise<Map<string, Uint8Array>> { if (this.#cache === undefined) { this.#cache = this.bundle(); } if (this.#cache instanceof Promise) { await this.#cache; } return this.#cache as Map<string, Uint8Array>; }
async get(path: string): Promise<Uint8Array | null> { const cache = await this.cache(); return cache.get(path) ?? null; }
// getPreloads(path: string): string[] { // return this.#preloads.get(path) ?? []; // }}