

The next-gen web framework.
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import { Sheet } from "twind";import { Options, setup, STYLE_ELEMENT_ID } from "./shared.ts";
type State = [string, string][];
export default function hydrate(options: Options, state: State) { const el = document.getElementById(STYLE_ELEMENT_ID) as HTMLStyleElement; const rules = new Set<string>(); const precedences: number[] = []; const mappings = new Map( => typeof v === "string" ? [v, v] : v), ); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const sheetState: any[] = [precedences, rules, mappings, true]; const target = el.sheet!; const ruleText = Array.from(target.cssRules).map((r) => r.cssText); for (const r of ruleText) { const m = r.lastIndexOf("/*"); const precedence = parseInt(r.slice(m + 2, -2), 36); const rule = r.slice(0, m); rules.add(rule); precedences.push(precedence); } const sheet: Sheet = { target, insert: (rule, index) => target.insertRule(rule, index), init: (cb) => cb(sheetState.shift()), }; setup(options, sheet);}