

The next-gen web framework.
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import { ServerContext } from "./context.ts";import { serve } from "./deps.ts";import { AppModule, ErrorPageModule, IslandModule, MiddlewareModule, RouteModule, StartOptions, UnknownPageModule,} from "./types.ts";export type { AppProps, ErrorHandler, ErrorHandlerContext, ErrorPageProps, FreshOptions, Handler, HandlerContext, Handlers, MiddlewareHandlerContext, PageProps, RenderFunction, RouteConfig, StartOptions, UnknownHandler, UnknownHandlerContext, UnknownPageProps,} from "./types.ts";export { RenderContext } from "./render.tsx";export type { InnerRenderFunction } from "./render.tsx";
export interface Manifest { routes: Record< string, | RouteModule | MiddlewareModule | AppModule | ErrorPageModule | UnknownPageModule >; islands: Record<string, IslandModule>; baseUrl: string;}
export { ServerContext };
export async function start( routes: Manifest, opts: StartOptions = {},) { const ctx = await ServerContext.fromManifest(routes, opts); console.log( `Server listening on http://${opts?.hostname ?? "localhost"}:${ opts?.port ?? 8000 }`, ); await serve(ctx.handler(), opts);}