

The next-gen web framework.
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import { dirname, extname, fromFileUrl, join, toFileUrl, walk,} from "./deps.ts";import { error } from "./error.ts";
interface Manifest { routes: string[]; islands: string[];}
export async function collect(directory: string): Promise<Manifest> { const routesDir = join(directory, "./routes"); const islandsDir = join(directory, "./islands");
const routes = []; try { const routesUrl = toFileUrl(routesDir); // TODO(lucacasonato): remove the extranious Deno.readDir when // is fixed. for await (const _ of Deno.readDir(routesDir)) { // do nothing } const routesFolder = walk(routesDir, { includeDirs: false, includeFiles: true, exts: ["tsx", "jsx", "ts", "js"], }); for await (const entry of routesFolder) { if (entry.isFile) { const file = toFileUrl(entry.path).href.substring( routesUrl.href.length, ); routes.push(file); } } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { // Do nothing. } else { throw err; } } routes.sort();
const islands = []; try { const islandsUrl = toFileUrl(islandsDir); for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(islandsDir)) { if (entry.isDirectory) { error( `Found subdirectory '${}' in islands/. The islands/ folder must not contain any subdirectories.`, ); } if (entry.isFile) { const ext = extname(; if (![".tsx", ".jsx", ".ts", ".js"].includes(ext)) continue; const path = join(islandsDir,; const file = toFileUrl(path).href.substring(islandsUrl.href.length); islands.push(file); } } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { // Do nothing. } else { throw err; } } islands.sort();
return { routes, islands };}
export async function generate(directory: string, manifest: Manifest) { const { routes, islands } = manifest;
const output = `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is generated by fresh.// This file SHOULD be checked into source version control.// This file is automatically updated during development when running \`dev.ts\`.
${, i) => `import * as $${i} from "./routes${file}";`).join( "\n", ) }${, i) => `import * as $$${i} from "./islands${file}";`) .join("\n") }
const manifest = { routes: { ${, i) => `${JSON.stringify(`./routes${file}`)}: $${i},`) .join("\n ") } }, islands: { ${, i) => `${JSON.stringify(`./islands${file}`)}: $$${i},`) .join("\n ") } }, baseUrl: import.meta.url,};
export default manifest;`;
const proc ={ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "fmt", "-"], stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); const raw = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue(new TextEncoder().encode(output)); controller.close(); }, }); await raw.pipeTo(proc.stdin.writable); const out = await proc.output(); await proc.status(); proc.close();
const manifestStr = new TextDecoder().decode(out); const manifestPath = join(directory, "./fresh.gen.ts");
await Deno.writeTextFile(manifestPath, manifestStr); console.log( `%cThe manifest has been generated for ${routes.length} routes and ${islands.length} islands.`, "color: blue; font-weight: bold", );}
export async function dev(base: string, entrypoint: string) { entrypoint = new URL(entrypoint, base).href;
const dir = dirname(fromFileUrl(base));
let currentManifest: Manifest; const prevManifest = Deno.env.get("FRSH_DEV_PREVIOUS_MANIFEST"); if (prevManifest) { currentManifest = JSON.parse(prevManifest); } else { currentManifest = { islands: [], routes: [] }; } const newManifest = await collect(dir); Deno.env.set("FRSH_DEV_PREVIOUS_MANIFEST", JSON.stringify(newManifest));
const manifestChanged = !arraysEqual(newManifest.routes, currentManifest.routes) || !arraysEqual(newManifest.islands, currentManifest.islands);
if (manifestChanged) await generate(dir, newManifest);
await import(entrypoint);}
function arraysEqual<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): boolean { if (a.length !== b.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false; } return true;}