

A collection of postprocessing utilities for flat
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import { join } from "";import { exists } from "";
// Great code modified from: Modified because of an os.tmpDir error, version differences,// and overwriting limitations in unzip command
export async function unZipFromFile( filePath: string, destinationPath: string | null = "./", options: any = {}, ): Promise<string | false> { if (!await exists(filePath)) { console.error("this file does not found"); return false; }
if (!destinationPath) { destinationPath = "./"; }
const fullFileName = filePath.split("/"); const fileNameWithOutExt = fullFileName[fullFileName.length - 1].split(".")[0]; const fullDestinationPath = options.includeFileName ? join(destinationPath, fileNameWithOutExt) : destinationPath; return await unzipProcess(filePath, fullDestinationPath) ? fullDestinationPath : false; }
async function unzipProcess( zipSourcePath: string, destinationPath: string, ): Promise<boolean> { const process ={ cmd: ["unzip", "-o", zipSourcePath, "-d", destinationPath], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", });
const { success, code } = await process.status();
if (!success) { const raw = await process.stderrOutput(); const str = new TextDecoder().decode(raw); throw new Error(`$Command failed: code ${code}, message: ${str}`); }
return success}
function getDirectory() { if ( === "windows") { return Deno.env.get("TMP") || Deno.env.get("TEMP") || Deno.env.get("USERPROFILE") || Deno.env.get("SystemRoot") || "" }
return Deno.env.get("TMPDIR") || "/tmp"}
export async function downloadFileToTemp(url: string): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch(url) const blob = await response.blob()
const arrayBufferFromBlobResponse = await blob.arrayBuffer() const uint8ArrayEncodeFileData = new Uint8Array(arrayBufferFromBlobResponse) const temporaryDirectory = Deno.realPathSync(getDirectory())
const tempFilePath = join(temporaryDirectory, "")
const file = await Deno.create(tempFilePath) await Deno.writeAll(file, uint8ArrayEncodeFileData) Deno.close(file.rid) return tempFilePath}
export async function unZipFromURL( fileURL: string, destinationPath: string | null = "./", options: any = {}, ): Promise<string | false>{ const downloadedFilePath = await downloadFileToTemp(fileURL) const unZippingProcess = await unZipFromFile( downloadedFilePath, destinationPath, options, ) await Deno.remove(downloadedFilePath) return unZippingProcess}