

Dotenv file handling for deno.
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import { MissingEnvVarsError, parse, config } from "./dotenv.ts";import { test, assert, assertEqual } from "";import { readFileSync, env } from "deno";
test(function parser() { const testDotenv = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode( readFileSync("./.env.test") ); const config = parse(testDotenv); assertEqual(config.BASIC, "basic", "parses a basic variable"); assertEqual(config.AFTER_EMPTY, "empty", "skips empty lines"); assertEqual(config.AFTER_COMMENT, "comment", "skips lines with comments"); assertEqual(config.EMPTY_VALUE, "", "empty values are empty strings"); assertEqual( config.QUOTED_SINGLE, "single quoted", "single quotes are escaped" ); assertEqual( config.QUOTED_DOUBLE, "double quoted", "double quotes are escaped" ); assertEqual( config.MULTILINE, "hello\nworld", "new lines are expanded in double quotes" ); assertEqual(config.JSON, '{"foo": "bar"}', "inner quotes are maintained"); assertEqual(config.WHITESPACE, "whitespace", "values are trimmed");
assertEqual( config.MULTILINE_SINGLE_QUOTE, "hello\\nworld", "new lines are escaped in single quotes" ); assertEqual(config.EQUALS, "equ==als", "handles equals inside string");});
test(function configure() { let conf = config(); assertEqual(conf.GREETING, "hello world", "fetches .env by default");
conf = config({ path: "./.env.test" }); assertEqual(conf.BASIC, "basic", "accepts a path to fetch env from");
conf = config({ export: true }); assertEqual( env().GREETING, "hello world", "exports variables to env when requested" );});
test(function configureSafe() { // Default let conf = config({ safe: true }); assertEqual(conf.GREETING, "hello world", "fetches .env by default");
// Custom .env.example conf = config({ safe: true, example: "./.env.example.test" });
assertEqual( conf.GREETING, "hello world", "accepts a path to fetch env example from" );
// Custom .env and .env.example conf = config({ path: "./", safe: true, example: "./.env.example.test" });
assertEqual( conf.GREETING, "hello world", "accepts paths to fetch env and env example from" );
// Throws if not all required vars are there assert.throws(() => { config({ path: "./", safe: true, example: "./.env.example2.test" }); }, MissingEnvVarsError);
// Throws if any of the required vars is empty assert.throws(() => { config({ path: "./", safe: true, example: "./.env.example2.test" }); }, MissingEnvVarsError);
// Does not throw if any of the required vars is empty, *and* allowEmptyValues is present config({ path: "./", safe: true, example: "./.env.example2.test", allowEmptyValues: true });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars passed externaly env().ANOTHER = "VAR"; config({ path: "./", safe: true, example: "./.env.example2.test" });
// Throws if any of the required vars passed externaly is empty env().ANOTHER = ""; assert.throws(() => { config({ path: "./", safe: true, example: "./.env.example2.test" }); });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars passed externaly is empty, *and* allowEmptyValues is present env().ANOTHER = ""; config({ path: "./", safe: true, example: "./.env.example2.test", allowEmptyValues: true });});