

Create and verify JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Deno or the browser.
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export const encoder = new TextEncoder();export const decoder = new TextDecoder();
export function isArray<T>(input: T[] | unknown): input is T[] { return Array.isArray(input);}
export function isDefined<T>(input: T | undefined): input is T { return input !== undefined;}
export function isNotNull<T>(input: T | null): input is T { return input !== null;}
export function isNotNumber<T>(input: T | number): input is T { return typeof input !== "number";}
export function isNotString<T>(input: T | string): input is T { return typeof input !== "string";}
export function isNull(input: unknown): input is null { return input === null;}
export function isNumber(input: unknown): input is number { return typeof input === "number";}
export function isNotTrue<T>(input: T | true): input is T { return input !== true;}
export function isObject(input: unknown): input is Record<string, unknown> { return ( input !== null && typeof input === "object" && Array.isArray(input) === false );}
export function isString(input: unknown): input is string { return typeof input === "string";}
export function isUndefined(input: unknown): input is undefined { return input === undefined;}