import * as mod from "";
Checks if the bot has these permissions f0r the given channel | |
Checks if the bot has these permissions in the given guild | |
Calculates the permissions this member has in the given guild | |
Calculates the permissions this member has for the given Channel | |
Checks if a channel overwrite for a user id or a role id has permission in this channel | |
Get the missing Channel permissions this member has | |
Get the missing Guild permissions this member has | |
Checks if the given member has these permissions for the given channel | |
Checks if the given member has these permissions in the given guild | |
Checks if the first role is higher than the second role | |
Gets the highest role from the member in this guild | |
Checks if the member has a higher position than the given role | |
Returns the permissions that are not in the given permissionBits | |
Throws an error if the bot has not all of the given channel permissions | |
Throws an error if the bot does not have all permissions | |
Throws an error if this member has not all of the given permissions | |
Throws an error if this member has not all of the given permissions | |
Internal function to check if the bot has the permissions to set these overwrites | |
Checks if the given permission bits are matching the given permissions. |