enum VoiceCloseEventCodesimport { VoiceCloseEventCodes } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@18.0.1/plugins/fileloader/deps.ts"; https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#voice MembersAlreadyAuthenticatedYou sent more than one identify payload. Stahp. AuthenticationFailedThe token you sent in your identify payload is incorrect. Disconnect = 4014Channel was deleted, you were kicked, voice server changed, or the main gateway session was dropped. Should not reconnect. FailedToDecodePayloadYou sent a invalid payload in your identifying to the Gateway. NotAuthenticatedYou sent a payload before identifying with the Gateway. ServerNotFound = 4011We can't find the server you're trying to connect to. SessionNoLongerValidYour session is no longer valid. SessionTimedOut = 4009Your session has timed out. UnknownEncryptionModeWe didn't recognize your encryption. UnknownOpcode = 4001You sent an invalid opcode. UnknownProtocolWe didn't recognize the protocol you sent. VoiceServerCrashedThe server crashed. Our bad! Try resuming.