

Discord API library for Deno
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import * as mod from "";


Create a new guild. Returns a guild object on success. Fires a Guild Create Gateway event. This endpoint can be used only by bots in less than 10 guilds.

Create a guild scheduled event in the guild. A guild can have a maximum of 100 events with SCHEDULED or ACTIVE status at any time.

Delete a guild permanently. User must be owner. Returns 204 No Content on success. Fires a Guild Delete Gateway event.

Delete a scheduled event.

Modify a guilds settings. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Modify a guild scheduled event. To start or end an event, use this endpoint to modify the event's status.

Modify a guild widget object for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Returns the audit logs for the guild. Requires VIEW AUDIT LOGS permission

Returns an array of voice regions that can be used when creating servers.

Returns a ban object for the given user or a 404 not found if the ban cannot be found. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

Returns a list of ban objects for the users banned from this guild. Requires the BAN_MEMBERS permission.

This function fetches a guild's data. This is not the same data as a GUILD_CREATE. So it does not cache the guild, you must do it manually.

Returns the guild preview object for the given id. If the bot is not in the guild, then the guild must be Discoverable.

Check how many members would be removed from the server in a prune operation. Requires the KICK_MEMBERS permission

Get a guild scheduled event.

Get a list of guild scheduled event for the given guild.

Returns the code and uses of the vanity url for this server if it is enabled else code will be null. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Returns a list of voice region objects for the guild. Unlike the similar /voice route, this returns VIP servers when the guild is VIP-enabled.

Returns the Welcome Screen object for the guild. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

Returns the widget for the guild.

Returns the widget image URL for the guild.

Returns a guild widget settings object. Requires the MANAGE_GUILD permission.

The full URL of the banner from Discords CDN. Undefined if no banner is set.

The full URL of the icon from Discords CDN. Undefined when no icon is set.

The full URL of the splash from Discords CDN. Undefined if no splash is set.

Leave a guild