

MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB ORM for Deno
class Model
import { Model } from "";

Model that can be used with a Database.

Index Signatures

[attribute: string]: FieldValue | Function


Return the instance current value for its primary key.

Delete this record from the database.

await flight.delete();

Create a new record for the model.

const flight = new Flight();
flight.departure = "Toronto";
flight.destination = "Paris";

Update this record using its current field values.

flight.destination = "London";
await flight.update();

Static Properties

_currentQuery: QueryBuilder

Model current query being built.

_database: Database

Database which this model will be attached to.

_fieldMatching: { toDatabase: FieldMatchingTable; toClient: FieldMatchingTable; }

Model field matching, from database to client and vice versa.

_isCreatedInDatabase: boolean

If the model has been created in the database.

_listeners: ModelEventListeners

Attached event listeners.

_options: ModelOptions

Options this model was initialized with.

_primaryKey: string

Model primary key. Manually found through _findPrimaryKey().

_queryBuilder: QueryBuilder

Query builder instance.

defaults: ModelDefaults

Default values for the model fields.

fields: ModelFields

Model fields.

pivot: ModelPivotModels

Pivot table to use for a given model.

table: string

Table name as it should be saved in the database.

timestamps: boolean

Should this model have created_at and updated_at fields by default.

Static Methods

Look for the current query's where clause for this model's primary key.

_findModelForeignKeyField(model: ModelSchema, forModel?: ModelSchema): string

Look for a fieldName: Relationships.belongsTo(forModel) field for a given model.

_findPrimaryField(): FieldOptions

Manually find the primary field by going through the schema fields.

_findPrimaryKey(): string

Manually find the primary key by going through the schema fields.

fieldMatching: FieldMatchingTable,
field: string | { [fieldName: string]: any; },
defaultCase?: (field: string) => string,
): string | { [fieldName: string]: any; }

Format a field or an object of fields, following a field matching table. Defaulting to defaultCase or field otherwise.

_runEventListeners(queryType: QueryType, instances?: Model | Model[])

Run event listeners given a query type and results.

_runQuery(query: QueryDescription)

Build the current query and run it on the associated database.

_wrapValuesWithDefaults(values: Values): Values
addEventListener<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
eventType: ModelEventType,
callback: ModelEventListener,

Alias for Model.on, add an event listener for a specific operation/hook.

Flight.addEventListener('created', (model) => console.log('New model:', model));

Fetch all the model records.

await Flight.all();

avg(field: string)

Compute the average value of a field's values from all the selected records.

await Flight.avg("flightDuration");

await Flight.where("destination", "San Francisco").avg("flightDuration");

Count the number of records of a model or filtered by a field name.

await Flight.count();

await Flight.where("destination", "Dublin").count();
create(values: Values): Promise<Model>

Create one or multiple records in the current model.

await Flight.create({ departure: "Paris", destination: "Tokyo" });

await Flight.create([{ ... }, { ... }]);
create(values: Values[]): Promise<Model[]>

Create a model in the database. Should not be called from a child model.

Delete selected records.

await Flight.where("destination", "Paris").delete();
deleteById(id: FieldValue)

Delete a record by a primary key value.

await Flight.deleteById("1");

Drop a model in the database.

field(field: string): string

Return the table name followed by a field name. Can also rename a field using nameAs.

Flight.field("departure") => "flights.departure"

Flight.field("id", "flight_id") => { flight_id: "" }
field(field: string, nameAs: string): FieldAlias
find(idOrIds: FieldValue): Promise<Model>

Find one or multiple records based on the model primary key.

await Flight.find("1");
find(idOrIds: FieldValue[]): Promise<Model[]>

Return the first record that matches the current query.

await Flight.where("id", ">", "1").first();
formatFieldToClient(field: string | Object)

Format field or an object of fields from database to client.

formatFieldToDatabase(field: string | Object)

Format field or an object of fields from client to database.


Run the current query.

Return the model computed primary key.

Return the field properties of the primary key

getComputedPrimaryType(): FieldTypeString

Return the field type of the primary key.

groupBy<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, field: string)

Group rows by a given field.

await Flight.groupBy('departure').all();
hasMany<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, model: ModelSchema): Promise<Model | Model[]>

Find associated values for the given model for one-to-many and many-to-many relationships.

class Airport {
  static flights() {
    return this.hasMany(Flight);

Airport.where("id", "1").flights();
hasOne<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, model: ModelSchema)

Find associated values for the given model for one-to-one and one-to-many relationships.

join<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
joinTable: ModelSchema,
originField: string,
targetField: string,

Join a table to the current query.

await Flight.where(
leftJoin<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
joinTable: ModelSchema,
originField: string,
targetField: string,

Join a table with left statement to the current query.

await Flight.where(
leftOuterJoin<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
joinTable: ModelSchema,
originField: string,
targetField: string,

Join a table with left outer statement to the current query.

await Flight.where(
limit<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, limit: number)

Limit the number of results returned from the query.

await Flight.limit(10).get();
max(field: string)

Find the maximum value of a field from all the selected records.

await Flight.max("flightDuration");
min(field: string)

Find the minimum value of a field from all the selected records.

await Flight.min("flightDuration");
offset<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, offset: number)

Skip n values in the results.

await Flight.offset(10).get();

await Flight.offset(10).limit(2).get();
on<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
eventType: ModelEventType,
callback: ModelEventListener,

Add an event listener for a specific operation/hook.

Flight.on('created', (model) => console.log('New model:', model));
orderBy<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
fieldOrFields: string | OrderByClauses,
orderDirection?: OrderDirection,

Order query results based on a field name and an optional direction.

await Flight.orderBy("departure").all();

await Flight.orderBy("departure", "desc").all();

await Flight.orderBy({ departure: "desc", destination: "asc" }).all();
removeEventListener(eventType: ModelEventType, callback: ModelEventListener)
select<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, ...fields: (string | FieldAlias)[])

Indicate which fields should be returned/selected from the query.


await"id", "destination").get();
skip<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, offset: number)

Similar to offset, skip n values in the results.

await Flight.skip(10).get();

await Flight.skip(10).take(2).get();
sum(field: string)

Compute the sum of a field's values from all the selected records.

await Flight.sum("flightDuration");
take<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, limit: number)

Similar to limit, limit the number of results returned from the query.

await Flight.take(10).get();

Truncate a model in the database.

update(fieldOrFields: string | Values, fieldValue?: FieldValue)

Update one or multiple records. Also update updated_at if timestamps is true.

await Flight.where("departure", "Dublin").update("departure", "Tokyo");

await Flight.where("departure", "Dublin").update({ destination: "Tokyo" });
where<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
field: string,
fieldValue: FieldValue,
): T

Add a where clause to your query.

await Flight.where("id", "1").get();

await Flight.where("id", ">", "1").get();

await Flight.where({ id: "1", departure: "Paris" }).get();
where<T extends ModelSchema>(
this: T,
field: string,
operator: Operator,
fieldValue: FieldValue,
): T
where<T extends ModelSchema>(this: T, fields: Values): T