

Browser DOM & HTML parser in Deno
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import { Plug } from "";import { register } from "./src/parser.ts";
const nativeEnv = "DENO_DOM_PLUGIN";let denoNativePluginPath: string | undefined;
// Try to read the environmenttry { denoNativePluginPath = Deno.env.get(nativeEnv);} catch {}
// These types are only to deal with `as const` `readonly` shenaniganstype DeepWriteable<T> = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: DeepWriteable<T[P]> };const _symbols = { deno_dom_usize_len: { parameters: [], result: "usize" }, deno_dom_parse_sync: { parameters: ["pointer", "usize", "pointer"], result: "void" }, deno_dom_parse_frag_sync: { parameters: ["pointer", "usize", "pointer"], result: "void" }, deno_dom_is_big_endian: { parameters: [], result: "u32" }, deno_dom_copy_buf: { parameters: ["pointer", "pointer"], result: "void" },} as const;const symbols = _symbols as DeepWriteable<typeof _symbols>;
let dylib: Deno.DynamicLibrary<typeof symbols>;
if (denoNativePluginPath) { // Load the plugin locally dylib = Deno.dlopen(denoNativePluginPath, symbols);} else { // Download the plugin dylib = await Plug.prepare({ name: "plugin", url: "", }, symbols);}
const utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder();const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder();const usizeBytes = dylib.symbols.deno_dom_usize_len() as number;const isBigEndian = Boolean(dylib.symbols.deno_dom_is_big_endian() as number);
const dylibParseSync = dylib.symbols.deno_dom_parse_sync.bind(dylib.symbols);const dylibParseFragSync = dylib.symbols.deno_dom_parse_frag_sync.bind(dylib.symbols);
// Reused for each invocation. Not thread safe, but JS isn't multithreaded// anyways.const returnBufSizeLenRaw = new ArrayBuffer(usizeBytes * 2);const returnBufSizeLen = new Uint8Array(returnBufSizeLenRaw);
function genericParse( parser: (srcBuf: Uint8Array, srcLength: number, returnBuf: Uint8Array) => void, srcHtml: string,): string { const encodedHtml = utf8Encoder.encode(srcHtml); parser(encodedHtml, encodedHtml.length, returnBufSizeLen);
const outBufSize = Number(new DataView(returnBufSizeLenRaw).getBigUint64(0, !isBigEndian)); const outBuf = new Uint8Array(outBufSize); dylib.symbols.deno_dom_copy_buf(returnBufSizeLen.slice(usizeBytes), outBuf);
return utf8Decoder.decode(outBuf);}
function parse(html: string): string { return genericParse(dylibParseSync, html);}
function parseFrag(html: string): string { return genericParse(dylibParseFragSync, html);}
// Register parse functionregister(parse, parseFrag);
export * from "./src/api.ts";