

ejs template engine for deno.
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const { Buffer, copy, cwd } = Deno;import { assertEquals, assertThrowsAsync,} from "./vendor/https/";import { readAll } from "./vendor/https/";import * as dejs from "./mod.ts";import escape from "./vendor/https/";
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
// renderTest(() => { interface testCase { name: string; body: string; //deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any param?: any; expected: string; error?: { new (): Error }; }
const testCases: Array<testCase> = [ { name: "Normal", body: "normal test", expected: "normal test", }, { name: "Escaped", body: "<%= param %>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: escape("<div>test</div>"), }, { name: "Raw", body: "<%- param %>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: "<div>test</div>", }, { name: "Comment", body: "<%# param %>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: "", }, { name: "Evaluate if true", body: "<% if (param) { %>test<% } %>", param: true, expected: "test", }, { name: "Evaluate if false", body: "<% if (param) { %>test<% } %>", param: false, expected: "", }, { name: "Evaluate for", body: "<% for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { %>Test<% } %>", expected: "TestTestTest", }, { name: "Evaluate nested for", body: "<% for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { %><% for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) { %>Test<% } %><% } %>", expected: "TestTestTestTest", }, { name: "Evaluate if true", body: "<% if (param) { %>test<% } %>", param: true, expected: "test", }, { name: "Escaped without spacing", body: "<%=param%>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: escape("<div>test</div>"), }, { name: "Raw without spacing", body: "<%-param%>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: "<div>test</div>", }, { name: "Comment without spacing", body: "<%#param%>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: "", }, { name: "Escaped with semi", body: "<%= param; %>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: escape("<div>test</div>"), }, { name: "Raw with semi", body: "<%- param; %>", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: "<div>test</div>", }, { name: "Security: Includes JavaScript", body: "<%= param %>console.log(`${param}`)\\\\", param: "test", expected: "testconsole.log(`${param}`)", // Trims backslashes at line end. }, { name: "Error: ReferenceError rejects promise instead of killing process", body: "<%= unknown %>", param: "", expected: "unknown is not defined", error: ReferenceError, }, ];
for (const tc of testCases) { Deno.test({ name:, fn: async () => { const buf = new Buffer(); if (tc.error) { assertThrowsAsync( () => dejs.render(tc.body, { param: tc.param }), tc.error, tc.expected, ); return; } await copy(await dejs.render(tc.body, { param: tc.param }), buf); const actual = decoder.decode(await readAll(buf)); assertEquals(actual, tc.expected); }, }); }})();
// renderFileTest(() => { interface testCase { name: string; fileName: string; //deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any param?: any; expected: string; }
const testCases: Array<testCase> = [ { name: "Normal", fileName: "normal", expected: "normal test", }, { name: "Raw", fileName: "raw", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: "<div>test</div>", }, { name: "Raw Include", fileName: "raw-include", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: "<div>test</div>", }, { name: "Escaped Include", fileName: "escaped-include", param: "<div>test</div>", expected: escape("<div>test</div>"), }, ];
for (const tc of testCases) { Deno.test({ name:, fn: async () => { const buf = new Buffer(); await copy( await dejs.renderFile(`${cwd()}/testdata/${tc.fileName}.ejs`, { param: tc.param, }), buf, ); const actual = decoder.decode(await readAll(buf)); assertEquals(actual, tc.expected); }, }); }})();
Deno.test({ name: "override include", fn: async () => { const buf = new Buffer(); const overriddenInclude = () => "overridden"; await copy( await dejs.renderFile(`${cwd()}/testdata/raw-include.ejs`, { param: {}, include: overriddenInclude, }), buf, ); const actual = decoder.decode(await readAll(buf)); const expected = "overridden"; assertEquals(actual, expected); },});