

ejs template engine for deno.
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import { Reader, ReadResult, open, copy } from 'deno';import { stringsReader } from '';import escape from './escape.ts';import { MultiReader } from '';
const globalEval = eval;const window = globalEval('this');
export interface Params { [key: string]: any;}
enum ReadMode { Normal, Escaped, Raw, Comment,}
enum Codes { Begin = 60, // < End = 62, // > Percent = 37, // % Escaped = 61, // = Raw = 45, // - Comment = 35, // #}
async function renderInternal(body: Reader, params: Params): Promise<Reader> { let src: Reader = body; const buf = []; const statement: Array<number> = []; const readBuf = new Uint8Array(1); const dec = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); let readMode: ReadMode = ReadMode.Normal;
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(params)) { window[k] = v; }
return { async read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<ReadResult> { const len = p.byteLength; let nread = 0;
while (nread < len) { const { eof } = await; if (eof) { break; }
buf.push(readBuf[0]); if (buf.length < 3) { continue; }
if (readMode === ReadMode.Normal) { // Detect ReadMode if (buf[0] === Codes.Begin && buf[1] === Codes.Percent) { switch (buf[2]) { case Codes.Escaped: readMode = ReadMode.Escaped; break; case Codes.Raw: readMode = ReadMode.Raw; break; case Codes.Comment: readMode = ReadMode.Comment; break; default: continue; } buf.splice(0); continue; } if (buf.length > 2) { p[nread] = buf.shift(); nread++; } continue; }
// Finish current ReadMode if (buf[1] === Codes.Percent && buf[2] === Codes.End) { statement.push(buf.shift()); buf.splice(0); // Don't execute if ReadMode is Comment. if (readMode !== ReadMode.Comment) { const body = new Uint8Array(statement); const str = dec.decode(body); const s = globalEval(str).toString(); switch (readMode) { case ReadMode.Raw: src = new MultiReader(stringsReader(s), src); break; case ReadMode.Escaped: src = new MultiReader(stringsReader(escape(s)), src); break; } } statement.splice(0); readMode = ReadMode.Normal; continue; } statement.push(buf.shift()); }
// Flush buffer while (nread < len && buf.length > 0) { p[nread] = buf.shift(); nread++; } return { nread, eof: nread === 0 }; }, };}
export async function renderString( str: string, params: Params): Promise<Reader> { const body = stringsReader(str); return await renderInternal(body, params);}
export async function render(path: string, params: Params): Promise<Reader> { const file = await open(path); return await renderInternal(file, params);}