

Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
Extremely Popular
import * as mod from "";


Argument details.

Argument parsing informations.

Result of cmd.parse() method.

Completion options.

Completion settings.

Environment variable settings.

Environment variable options

Example settings.

Environment variable options

Command option options.

Command option settings.

Type settings.

Type options.

Type Aliases

Action handler for commands and options.

Type parser method.

Default flag value or a callback method that returns the default value.

Description handler.

Description handler.

Help callback method to print the help. Invoked by the --help option and help command and the .getHelp() and .showHelp() methods.

Parse method for custom types. Gets the raw user input passed as argument and returns the parsed value.

Version callback method to print the version. Invoked by the --help option command and the .getVersion() and .showHelp() methods.