

Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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/** Border characters interface. */export interface IBorder { top: string; topMid: string; topLeft: string; topRight: string; bottom: string; bottomMid: string; bottomLeft: string; bottomRight: string; left: string; leftMid: string; mid: string; midMid: string; right: string; rightMid: string; middle: string;}
/** Default border characters. */export const border: IBorder = { top: "─", topMid: "┬", topLeft: "┌", topRight: "┐", bottom: "─", bottomMid: "┴", bottomLeft: "└", bottomRight: "┘", left: "│", leftMid: "├", mid: "─", midMid: "┼", right: "│", rightMid: "┤", middle: "│",};