

Command line framework for deno 🦕 Including Commandline-Interfaces, Prompts, CLI-Table, Arguments Parser and more...
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import { expandGlobSync } from "";
const MAX_PARALLEL = Number(Deno.env.get("MAX_PARALLEL")) || 8;const files = [...expandGlobSync("./examples/**/**.ts")];const errors: Array<Error> = [];
await Promise.all( files.splice(0, MAX_PARALLEL).map((file) => checkExample(file.path)),);
if (errors.length) { errors.forEach((error) => console.error(error)); console.error("%s examples have errors.", errors.length); Deno.exit(1);}
async function checkExample(file: string): Promise<void> { console.log("Type check example:", file); const output = await Deno.spawn("deno", { args: ["check", "--unstable", file], }); if (!output.success) { errors.push( new Error( `Type checking failed for ${file} \n${ new TextDecoder().decode(output.stderr) }`, ), ); } const nextFile = files.shift(); if (nextFile) { return checkExample(nextFile.path); }}