class Cellimport { Cell } from ""; Cell representation. ConstructorsnewCell(value: ICell)Cell constructor. Propertiesprotectedoptions: ICellOptionsreadonlylength: numberGet cell length. Methodsborder(enable: boolean, override?): thisEnable/disable cell border. clone(value?: ICell): CellClone cell with all options. colSpan(span: number, override?): thisSet col span. getBorder(): booleanCheck if cell has border. getColSpan(): numberGet col span. getRowSpan(): numberGet row span. rowSpan(span: number, override?): thisSet row span. setValue(value: ICell): thisSet cell value. toString(): stringGet cell value. Static Methodsfrom(value: ICell): CellCreate a new cell. If value is a cell, the value and all options of the cell will be copied to the new cell. import Cellimport { Cell } from "";