

A React framework based on umi.
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import { readWantedLockfile } from '@pnpm/lockfile-file';// @ts-ignoreimport ncc from '@vercel/ncc';import { Package } from 'dts-packer';import resolve from 'resolve';import 'zx/globals';import { PATHS } from './.internal/constants';// @ts-ignore// import { Package } from '/Users/chencheng/code/';
export async function buildDep(opts: any) { console.log(`Build dep ${opts.pkgName || opts.file}`));
const nodeModulesPath = path.join(opts.base, 'node_modules'); const target = path.join(opts.base,;
if (opts.clean) { fs.removeSync(target); }
let entry; if (opts.pkgName) { let resolvePath = opts.pkgName; // mini-css-extract-plugin 用 dist/cjs 为入口会有问题 if (opts.pkgName === 'mini-css-extract-plugin') { resolvePath = 'mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/index'; } entry = require.resolve(resolvePath, { paths: [nodeModulesPath], }); } else { entry = path.join(opts.base, opts.file); }
if (!opts.dtsOnly) { if (opts.isDependency) { fs.ensureDirSync(target); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(target, 'index.js'), `const exported = require("${opts.pkgName}");Object.keys(exported).forEach(function (key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === exported[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return exported[key]; } });}); `.trim() + '\n', 'utf-8', ); } else { const filesToCopy: string[] = []; if (opts.file === './bundles/webpack/bundle') { delete opts.webpackExternals['webpack']; } let { code, assets } = await ncc(entry, { externals: opts.webpackExternals, minify: !!opts.minify, target: 'es5', assetBuilds: false, customEmit(filePath: string, { id }: any) { if ( (opts.file === './bundles/webpack/bundle' && filePath.endsWith('.runtime.js')) || (opts.pkgName === 'terser-webpack-plugin' && filePath.endsWith('./utils') && id.endsWith('terser-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js')) || (opts.pkgName === 'css-minimizer-webpack-plugin' && filePath.endsWith('./utils') && id.endsWith('css-minimizer-webpack-plugin/dist/index.js')) ) { filesToCopy.push( resolve.sync(filePath, { basedir: path.dirname(id), }), ); return `'./${path.basename(filePath)}'`; } }, });
// assets console.log('filesToCopy', filesToCopy); for (const key of Object.keys(assets)) { const asset = assets[key]; const data = asset.source; const filePath = path.join(target, key); fs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(filePath)); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(target, key), data); }
// filesToCopy for (const fileToCopy of filesToCopy) { let content = fs.readFileSync(fileToCopy, 'utf-8'); for (const key of Object.keys(opts.webpackExternals)) { content = content.replace( new RegExp(`require\\\(['"]${key}['"]\\\)`, 'gm'), `require('${opts.webpackExternals[key]}')`, ); content = content.replace( new RegExp(`require\\\(['"]${key}/package(\.json)?['"]\\\)`, 'gm'), `require('${opts.webpackExternals[key]}/package.json')`, ); } fs.writeFileSync( path.join(target, path.basename(fileToCopy)), content, 'utf-8', ); }
// entry code fs.ensureDirSync(target); // node 14 support for chalk if ( [ 'chalk', 'pkg-up', 'execa', 'globby', 'os-locale', 'copy-webpack-plugin', ].includes(opts.pkgName) ) { code = code.replace(/require\("node:/g, 'require("'); } if ( code.includes('"node:') && opts.pkgName && // skip local file bundle like babel/bundle.js opts.pkgName !== 'stylelint-declaration-block-no-ignored-properties' && opts.pkgName !== 'vite' ) { throw new Error(`${opts.pkgName} has "node:"`); } fs.writeFileSync(path.join(target, 'index.js'), code, 'utf-8');
// patch if (opts.pkgName === 'mini-css-extract-plugin') { fs.copySync( path.join(nodeModulesPath, opts.pkgName, 'dist', 'hmr'), path.join(target, 'hmr'), ); fs.copyFileSync( path.join(nodeModulesPath, opts.pkgName, 'dist', 'utils.js'), path.join(target, 'utils.js'), ); fs.copyFileSync( path.join( nodeModulesPath, opts.pkgName, 'dist', 'loader-options.json', ), path.join(target, 'loader-options.json'), ); } if (opts.pkgName === 'fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin') { fs.removeSync(path.join(target, 'typescript.js')); }
// for bundler-vite if (opts.pkgName === 'vite') { const COMPILED_DIR = path.join(opts.base, 'compiled'); const { compiledConfig } = require(`${opts.base}/package.json`);
// generate externalized type from sibling packages (such as @umijs/bundler-utils) Object.entries<string>(compiledConfig.externals) .filter( ([name, target]) => target.startsWith('@umijs/') && compiledConfig.extraDtsExternals.includes(name), ) .forEach(([name, target]) => { fs.writeFileSync( path.join(COMPILED_DIR, `${name}.d.ts`), `export * from '${target}';`, 'utf-8', ); });
// copy sourcemap for vite client scripts fs.copyFileSync( require.resolve('vite/dist/client/', { paths: [opts.base], }), path.join(COMPILED_DIR, 'vite', ''), ); fs.copyFileSync( require.resolve('vite/dist/client/', { paths: [opts.base], }), path.join(COMPILED_DIR, 'vite', ''), ); }
// for bundler-webpack if (opts.pkgName === 'webpack') { fs.writeFileSync( path.join(opts.base, 'compiled/express.d.ts'), `import e = require('@umijs/bundler-utils/compiled/express');\nexport = e;`, 'utf-8', ); }
// validate babel dynamic dep version if (opts.file === './bundles/babel/bundle') { const pkg = require(path.join(opts.base, 'package.json'));
readWantedLockfile(PATHS.ROOT, { ignoreIncompatible: true, }).then((lockfile) => { const unicodePkgName = 'regenerate-unicode-properties'; const [, unicodeParentPkg] = Object.entries(lockfile!.packages!).find( ([name]) => name.startsWith('/regexpu-core/'), )!;
if ( unicodeParentPkg.dependencies![unicodePkgName] !== pkg.dependencies[unicodePkgName] ) { throw new Error(`regenerate-unicode-properties is outdated, please update it to ${ unicodeParentPkg.dependencies![unicodePkgName] } in bundler-utils/package.json before update compiled files! ref:`); } }); } } }
// license & package.json if (opts.pkgName) { if (opts.isDependency) { fs.ensureDirSync(target); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(target, 'index.d.ts'), `export * from '${opts.pkgName}';\n`, 'utf-8', ); } else { fs.ensureDirSync(target); const pkgRoot = path.dirname( resolve.sync(`${opts.pkgName}/package.json`, { basedir: opts.base, }), ); if (fs.existsSync(path.join(pkgRoot, 'LICENSE'))) { fs.writeFileSync( path.join(target, 'LICENSE'), fs.readFileSync(path.join(pkgRoot, 'LICENSE'), 'utf-8'), 'utf-8', ); } const { name, author, license, types, typing, typings } = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.join(pkgRoot, 'package.json'), 'utf-8'), ); fs.writeJSONSync(path.join(target, 'package.json'), { ...{}, ...{ name }, ...(author ? { author } : undefined), ...(license ? { license } : undefined), ...(types ? { types } : undefined), ...(typing ? { typing } : undefined), ...(typings ? { typings } : undefined), });
// dts if (opts.noDts) { console.log(chalk.yellow(`Do not build dts for ${opts.pkgName}`)); } else { new Package({ cwd: opts.base, name: opts.pkgName, typesRoot: target, externals: opts.dtsExternals, });
// patch if (opts.pkgName === 'webpack-5-chain') { const filePath = path.join(target, 'types/index.d.ts'); fs.writeFileSync( filePath, fs .readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8') .replace( `} from 'webpack';`, `} from '@umijs/bunder-webpack/compiled/webpack';`, ), 'utf-8', ); } if (opts.pkgName === 'lodash') { // TODO // fs.copySync() }
// for bundler-utils if (opts.pkgName === 'less') { const dtsPath = path.join(opts.base, 'compiled/less/index.d.ts');
fs.writeFileSync( dtsPath, fs .readFileSync(dtsPath, 'utf-8') .replace( 'declare module "less"', 'declare module "@umijs/bundler-utils/compiled/less"', ), 'utf-8', ); } } } }
// copy files in packages if (opts.file && !opts.dtsOnly) { const packagesDir = path.join( opts.base, path.dirname(opts.file), 'packages', ); if (fs.existsSync(packagesDir)) { const files = fs.readdirSync(packagesDir); files.forEach((file) => { if (file.charAt(0) === '.') return; if (!fs.statSync(path.join(packagesDir, file)).isFile()) return; fs.copyFileSync(path.join(packagesDir, file), path.join(target, file)); }); } }}
/** * 编译打包 package.json 文件中 compiledConfig 配置的依赖库 */(async () => { const base = process.cwd(); const pkg = fs.readJSONSync(path.join(base, 'package.json')); const pkgDeps = pkg.dependencies || {}; const { deps, externals = {}, noMinify = [], extraDtsDeps = [], extraDtsExternals = [], excludeDtsDeps = [], } = pkg.compiledConfig;
const webpackExternals: Record<string, string> = {}; const dtsExternals = [...extraDtsDeps, ...extraDtsExternals]; Object.keys(externals).forEach((name) => { const val = externals[name]; if (val === '$$LOCAL') { dtsExternals.push(name); webpackExternals[name] = `${}/compiled/${name}`; } else { webpackExternals[name] = val; } });
for (const dep of argv.dep ? [argv.dep] : argv['extra-dts-only'] ? extraDtsDeps : deps.concat(extraDtsDeps)) { const isDep = dep.charAt(0) !== '.'; await buildDep({ ...(isDep ? { pkgName: dep } : { file: dep }), target: `compiled/${isDep ? dep : path.basename(path.dirname(dep))}`, base, webpackExternals, dtsExternals, clean: argv.clean, minify: !noMinify.includes(dep), dtsOnly: extraDtsDeps.includes(dep), noDts: excludeDtsDeps.includes(dep), isDependency: dep in pkgDeps, }); }})();