

A React framework based on umi.
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import 'zx/globals';import { PATHS, SCRIPTS } from './.internal/constants';import { setExcludeFolder } from './.internal/utils';
(async () => { const root = PATHS.ROOT; const pkgDir = path.join(root, 'packages'); const pkgs = await fs.readdir(pkgDir);
for (const pkg of pkgs) { if (pkg.charAt(0) === '.') continue; if (!(await fs.stat(path.join(pkgDir, pkg))).isDirectory()) continue; await bootstrapPkg({ pkgDir, pkg, force: argv.force, }); }
function getName(pkgName: string) { if (['alita'].includes(pkgName)) { return pkgName; } else { return `@alita/${pkgName}`; } }
function getVersion() { return '3.0.0'; }
async function bootstrapPkg(opts: any) { const pkgDir = path.join(opts.pkgDir, opts.pkg); if (!opts.force && fs.existsSync(path.join(pkgDir, 'package.json'))) { console.log(`${opts.pkg} exists`); } else { const name = getName(opts.pkg);
// package.json const pkgPkgJSONPath = path.join(pkgDir, 'package.json'); const hasPkgJSON = fs.existsSync(pkgPkgJSONPath); const pkgPkgJSON = hasPkgJSON ? require(pkgPkgJSONPath) : {}; fs.writeJSONSync( pkgPkgJSONPath, Object.assign( { name, version: getVersion(), description: name, main: 'dist/index.js', types: 'dist/index.d.ts', files: ['dist'], scripts: { build: SCRIPTS.BUILD, 'build:deps': SCRIPTS.BUNDLE_DEPS, dev: SCRIPTS.DEV, }, repository: { type: 'git', url: '', }, authors: [ 'xiaohuoni <> (', ], license: 'MIT', bugs: '', homepage: `${opts.pkg}#readme`, publishConfig: { access: 'public', }, }, { ...(hasPkgJSON ? { authors: pkgPkgJSON.authors, bin: pkgPkgJSON.bin, files: pkgPkgJSON.files, scripts: pkgPkgJSON.scripts, description: pkgPkgJSON.description, dependencies: pkgPkgJSON.dependencies, devDependencies: pkgPkgJSON.devDependencies, compiledConfig: pkgPkgJSON.compiledConfig, } : {}), }, ), { spaces: ' ' }, ); // readme 存在就不覆盖 if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(pkgDir, ''))) { // await fs.writeFile( path.join(pkgDir, ''), `# ${name}\n\nSee our website [alitajs]( for more information.`, 'utf-8', ); } // tsconfig.json await fs.writeFile( path.join(pkgDir, 'tsconfig.json'), `{ "extends": "../../tsconfig.base.json", "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "./dist", "rootDir": "./src" }, "include": ["src"]}\n`, 'utf-8', );
// src/index.ts const srcDir = path.join(pkgDir, 'src'); if (!fs.existsSync(srcDir)) { await $`mkdir ${srcDir}`; } if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(pkgDir, 'src', 'index.ts'))) { await fs.writeFile( path.join(pkgDir, 'src', 'index.ts'), `export default () => { return '${name}';};\n`.trimLeft(), 'utf-8', ); await fs.writeFile( path.join(pkgDir, 'src', 'index.test.ts'), `import index from './index';
test('normal', () => { expect(index()).toEqual('${name}');});\n`.trimLeft(), 'utf-8', ); }
// set excludeFolder for webstorm setExcludeFolder({ pkg: opts.pkg, cwd: root });
console.log(`${opts.pkg} bootstrapped`)); } }})();