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import React, { Children, cloneElement, ComponentType, CSSProperties, isValidElement, MouseEvent, PropsWithChildren, ReactElement, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from ''import { redirect } from './aleph.ts'import events from './events.ts'import { useRouter } from './hooks.ts'import util, { reModuleExt } from './util.ts'
interface LinkProps { to: string replace?: boolean prefetch?: boolean className?: string style?: CSSProperties}
const fetchedPageModules = new Set<string>()
export function Link({ to, replace = false, prefetch: prefetchImmediately = false, className, style, children}: PropsWithChildren<LinkProps>) { const { pathname: currentPathname, query: currentQuery } = useRouter() const currentHref = useMemo(() => { return [currentPathname, currentQuery.toString()].filter(Boolean).join('?') }, [currentPathname, currentQuery]) const href = useMemo(() => { if (util.isHttpUrl(to)) { return to } let [pathname, search] = util.splitBy(to, '?') if (pathname.startsWith('/')) { pathname = util.cleanPath(pathname) } else { pathname = util.cleanPath(currentPathname + '/' + pathname) } return [pathname, search].filter(Boolean).join('?') }, [currentPathname, to]) const prefetch = useCallback(() => { if (!util.isHttpUrl(href) && href !== currentHref && !fetchedPageModules.has(href)) { events.emit('fetch-page-module', { href }) fetchedPageModules.add(href) } }, [href, currentHref]) const onClick = useCallback((e: MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault() if (href !== currentHref) { redirect(href, replace) } }, [href, currentHref, replace])
useEffect(() => { if (prefetchImmediately) { prefetch() } }, [prefetchImmediately, prefetch])
if (Children.count(children) === 1) { const child = Children.toArray(children)[0] if (isValidElement(child) && child.type === 'a') { const { props } = child return cloneElement(child, { ...props, className: [className, props.className].filter(util.isNEString).join(' ') || undefined, style: Object.assign({}, style,, href, 'aria-current': props['aria-current'] || 'page', onClick: (e: MouseEvent) => { if (util.isFunction(props.onClick)) { props.onClick(e) } if (!e.defaultPrevented) { onClick(e) } }, onMouseEnter: (e: MouseEvent) => { if (util.isFunction(props.onMouseEnter)) { props.onMouseEnter(e) } if (!e.defaultPrevented) { prefetch() } } }) } }
return React.createElement( 'a', { className, style, href, onClick, onMouseEnter: prefetch, 'aria-current': 'page' }, children )}
interface NavLinkProps extends LinkProps { activeClassName?: string activeStyle?: CSSProperties}
export function NavLink({ activeClassName = 'active', activeStyle, to,}: PropsWithChildren<NavLinkProps>) { const { pathname: currentPathname } = useRouter() const pathname = useMemo(() => { if (util.isHttpUrl(to)) { return to } let [pathname] = util.splitBy(to, '?') if (pathname.startsWith('/')) { pathname = util.cleanPath(pathname) } else { pathname = util.cleanPath(currentPathname + '/' + pathname) } return pathname }, [currentPathname, to])
if (currentPathname === pathname) { return React.createElement( Link, {, to, className: [rest.className?.trim(), activeClassName.trim()].filter(Boolean).join(' '), style: Object.assign({},, activeStyle) } ) }
return React.createElement(Link, {, to })}
interface ImportProps { from: string props?: Record<string, any> placeholder?: ReactElement fallback?: ReactElement}
export function Import(props: ImportProps) { const { __importer, __sourceFile } = (props as any) const [error, setError] = useState<string | null>(null) const [mod, setMod] = useState<{ Component: ComponentType | null }>({ Component: null })
useEffect(() => { if (reModuleExt.test(__sourceFile)) { const p = util.splitPath(__importer) p.pop() import(util.cleanPath("/_aleph/" + p.join('/') + '/' + props.from)) .then(({ default: Component }) => { setMod({ Component }) }) .catch((err: Error) => { setError(err.message) }) } }, [__importer, __sourceFile])
if (error) { if (props.fallback) { return props.fallback } return React.createElement('div', { style: { color: 'red' } }, error) }
if (mod.Component) { return React.createElement(mod.Component, props.props) }
if (reModuleExt.test(__sourceFile)) { if (props.placeholder) { return props.placeholder } return React.createElement('div', { style: { color: 'gray' } }, 'Loading...') }
return null}