

The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
Go to Latest
import { Request } from './api.ts'import { existsDirSync, existsFileSync } from './fs.ts'import { createHtml } from './html.ts'import log from './log.ts'import { getContentType } from './mime.ts'import { listenAndServe, path, ServerRequest, walk } from './std.ts'import util from './util.ts'import { version } from './version.ts'
const commands = { 'init': 'Create a new appliaction', 'dev': 'Start the app in development mode', 'start': 'Start the app in production mode', 'build': 'Build the app to a static site (SSG)', 'upgrade': 'Upgrade Aleph.js command'}
const helpMessage = `Aleph.js v${version}The React Framework in deno.
Usage: aleph <command> [...options]
Commands: ${Object.entries(commands).map(([name, desc]) => `${name.padEnd(15)}${desc}`).join('\n ')}
Options: -h, --help Prints help message -v, --version Prints version number`
async function main() { // parse deno args const args: Array<string> = [] const argOptions: Record<string, string | boolean> = {} for (let i = 0; i < Deno.args.length; i++) { const arg = Deno.args[i] if (arg.startsWith('-')) { if (arg.includes('=')) { const [key, value] = arg.replace(/^-+/, '').split('=', 2) argOptions[key] = value } else { const key = arg.replace(/^-+/, '') const nextArg = Deno.args[i + 1] if (nextArg && !nextArg.startsWith('-')) { argOptions[key] = nextArg i++ } else { argOptions[key] = true } } } else { args.push(arg) } }
// get command, default is 'dev' const hasCommand = args.length > 0 && args[0] in commands const command = (hasCommand ? String(args.shift()) : 'dev') as keyof typeof commands
// prints aleph.js version if (argOptions.v && command != 'upgrade') { console.log(`aleph.js v${version}`) Deno.exit(0) }
// prints aleph.js and deno version if (argOptions.version && command != 'upgrade') { const { deno, v8, typescript } = Deno.version console.log(`aleph.js ${version}`) console.log(`deno ${deno}`) console.log(`v8 ${v8}`) console.log(`typescript ${typescript}`) Deno.exit(0) }
// prints help message if (argOptions.h || { if (hasCommand) { import(`./cli/${command}.ts`).then(({ helpMessage }) => { console.log(commands[command]) if (util.isNEString(helpMessage)) { console.log(helpMessage) } Deno.exit(0) }) return } else { console.log(helpMessage) Deno.exit(0) } }
// sets log level const l = argOptions.L || argOptions['log-level'] if (util.isNEString(l)) { log.setLevel(l) }
if (!hasCommand && !args[0]) { const walkOptions = { includeDirs: false, exts: ['.js', '.jsx', '.mjs', '.ts', '.tsx'], skip: [/\.d\.ts$/i], dep: 1 } const pagesDir = path.join(path.resolve('.'), 'pages') let hasIndexPage = false if (existsDirSync(pagesDir)) { for await (const { path: p } of walk(pagesDir, walkOptions)) { if (path.basename(p).split('.')[0] === 'index') { hasIndexPage = true } } } if (!hasIndexPage) { console.log(helpMessage) Deno.exit(0) } }
// proxy if (['dev', 'start', 'build'].includes(command) && existsFileSync('./import_map.json')) { const { imports } = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync('./import_map.json')) Object.assign(globalThis, { ALEPH_IMPORT_MAP: { imports } }) if (imports['']) { const match = String(imports['']).match(/^http:\/\/(localhost|\d+)\/$/) if (match) { const cwd = Deno.cwd() const port = parseInt(match[2]) listenAndServe({ port }, async (req: ServerRequest) => { const url = new URL('http://localhost' + req.url) const resp = new Request(req, util.cleanPath(url.pathname), {}, url.searchParams) const filepath = path.join(cwd, url.pathname) try { const info = await Deno.lstat(filepath) if (info.isDirectory) { const r = Deno.readDir(filepath) const items: string[] = [] for await (const item of r) { if (!'.')) { items.push(`<li><a href='${path.join(url.pathname, encodeURI(}'>${}${item.isDirectory ? '/' : ''}<a></li>`) } } resp.send(createHtml({ head: [`<title>aleph.js/</title>`], body: `<h1>&nbsp;aleph.js/</h1><ul>${Array.from(items).join('')}</ul>` }), 'text/html') return } resp.send(await Deno.readFile(filepath), getContentType(filepath)) } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { resp.status(404).send('file not found') return } resp.status(500).send(err.message) } })`Proxy on http://localhost:${port}`) } } }
const { default: cmd } = await import(`./cli/${command}.ts`) if (command === 'upgrade') { await cmd(argOptions.v || argOptions.version || 'latest') } else { const appDir = path.resolve(args[0] || '.') if (command !== 'init' && !existsDirSync(appDir)) { log.fatal('No such directory:', appDir) } await cmd(appDir, argOptions) }}
if (import.meta.main) { main()}