

The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { RouterURL } from './types.ts'import util from './util.ts'
export default function route(base: string, pagePaths: string[], options?: { location?: { pathname: string, search?: string }, defaultLocale?: string, locales?: string[] }): RouterURL { const loc = (options?.location || (window as any).location || { pathname: '/' }) const pathname = util.cleanPath(util.trimPrefix(loc.pathname, base)) const query = new URLSearchParams(
let locale = options?.defaultLocale || 'en' let asPagePath = pathname let pagePath = '' let params: Record<string, string> = {}
if (asPagePath !== '/') { const a = asPagePath.split('/') if (options?.locales?.includes(a[0])) { locale = a[0] asPagePath = '/' + a.slice(1).join('/') } }
for (const routePath of pagePaths) { const [p, ok] = matchPath(routePath, asPagePath) if (ok) { pagePath = routePath params = p break } }
return { locale, pathname, pagePath, params, query }}
function matchPath(routePath: string, realPath: string): [Record<string, string>, boolean] { const params: Record<string, string> = {} const routeSegments = util.splitPath(routePath) const locSegments = util.splitPath(realPath) const depth = Math.max(routeSegments.length, locSegments.length)
for (let i = 0; i < depth; i++) { const routeSeg = routeSegments[i] const locSeg = locSegments[i]
if (locSeg === undefined || routeSeg === undefined) { return [{}, false] }
if (routeSeg.startsWith('[...') && routeSeg.endsWith(']') && routeSeg.length > 5 && i === routeSegments.length - 1) { params[routeSeg.slice(4, -1)] = locSegments.slice(i).map(decodeURIComponent).join('/') break }
if (routeSeg.startsWith('[') && routeSeg.endsWith(']') && routeSeg.length > 2) { params[routeSeg.slice(1, -1)] = decodeURIComponent(locSeg) } else if (routeSeg.startsWith('$') && routeSeg.length > 1) { params[routeSeg.slice(1)] = decodeURIComponent(locSeg) } else if (routeSeg !== locSeg) { return [{}, false] } }
return [params, true]}