

The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import runtime from ''import events from './events.ts'import util, { hashShort } from './util.ts'
interface Callback { (...args: any[]): void}
// react-refresh// @link, { $RefreshReg$: () => { }, $RefreshSig$: () => (type: any) => type})export const performReactRefresh = util.debounce(runtime.performReactRefresh, 30)export const RefreshRuntime = runtime
class Module { #id: string #isLocked: boolean = false #isAccepted: boolean = false #acceptCallbacks: Callback[] = []
get id() { return this.#id }
constructor(id: string) { this.#id = id }
lock(): void { this.#isLocked = true }
accept(callback?: () => void): void { if (this.#isLocked) { return } if (!this.#isAccepted) { sendMessage({ id:, type: 'hotAccept' }) this.#isAccepted = true } if (callback) { this.#acceptCallbacks.push(callback) } }
async applyUpdate(updateUrl: string) { try { const module = await import(updateUrl + '?t=' + this.#acceptCallbacks.forEach(cb => cb(module)) } catch (e) { location.reload() } }}
const { location } = window as anyconst { protocol, host } = locationconst modules: Map<string, Module> = new Map()const messageQueue: any[] = []const socket = new WebSocket((protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws') + '://' + host + '/_hmr', /* 'aleph-hmr' */)
socket.addEventListener('open', () => { messageQueue.forEach(msg => socket.send(JSON.stringify(msg))) messageQueue.splice(0, messageQueue.length)})
socket.addEventListener('close', () => { location.reload()})
socket.addEventListener('message', ({ data: rawData }: { data?: string }) => { if (rawData) { try { const { type, moduleId, hash, updateUrl } = JSON.parse(rawData) if (type) { console.log(`[HMR]${hash ? ' [' + hash.slice(0, hashShort) + ']' : ''} ${type} module '${moduleId}'`) if (type === 'add') { events.emit('add-module', { moduleId, hash }) } else if (type === 'update' && modules.has(moduleId)) { const mod = modules.get(moduleId)! mod.applyUpdate(updateUrl) } else if (type === 'remove' && modules.has(moduleId)) { modules.delete(moduleId) events.emit('remove-module', moduleId) } } } catch (e) { } }})
function sendMessage(msg: any) { if (socket.readyState !== socket.OPEN) { messageQueue.push(msg) } else { socket.send(JSON.stringify(msg)) }}
export function createHotContext(id: string) { if (modules.has(id)) { const mod = modules.get(id)! mod.lock() return mod }
const mod = new Module(id) modules.set(id, mod) return mod}
console.log('[HMR] listening for file changes...')