

The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
Very Popular
import { assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";import { MagicString, restoreUrl, toLocalPath } from "../server/helpers.ts";import { parseDeps } from "../server/deps.ts";
Deno.test("server/helper.ts", async (t) => { await t.step("toLocalPath", () => { assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/http_foo.com_8080/bar"); assertEquals(toLocalPath("file://foo/bar/"), "file://foo/bar/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath("/foo/bar/"), "/foo/bar/"); });
await t.step("restoreUrl", () => { assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/"), ""); assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/"), ""); assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/"), ""); assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/http_foo.com_8080/bar"), ""); });
await t.step("MagicString", async () => { const code = `// Deno 🦕 App (应用) import React from "htts://"; import foo from "./foo.js"; import { bar } from './bar.js'; const baz = await import('./baz.js'); const worker = new Worker('./worker.js', { type: 'module' }); `; const overwritedCode = `// Deno 🦕 App (应用) import React from "htts://"; import foo from "./foo.js?v=123"; import { bar } from "./bar.js?v=123"; const baz = await import("./baz.js?v=123"); const worker = new Worker("./worker.js?v=123", { type: 'module' }); `; const deps = await parseDeps("./app.js", code); const m = new MagicString(code); for (const dep of deps) { if (dep.loc) { let url = dep.specifier; if (url.startsWith("htts://")) { url += "?dev"; } else { url += "?v=123"; } m.overwrite(dep.loc.start - 1, dep.loc.end - 1, `"${url}"`); } } assertEquals(m.toString(), overwritedCode); });});