

The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { parse } from "";import { readLines } from "";import { writeAll } from "";import { basename, resolve } from "";import { readImportMap } from "./server/config.ts";import { findFile } from "./lib/fs.ts";import log, { bold, dim, stripColor } from "./lib/log.ts";import { serveDir } from "./lib/serve.ts";import util from "./lib/util.ts";import { VERSION } from "./version.ts";
const commands = { "init": "Create a new app", "dev": "Start the app in `development` mode", "start": "Start the app in `production` mode", "build": "Build the app into a worker",};
const helpMessage = `Aleph.js v${VERSION}The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
Usage: deno run -A <command> [...options]
Commands: ${ Object.entries(commands).map(([name, desc]) => `${name.padEnd(15)}${desc}`) .join("\n ")}
Options: -v, --version Prints version number -h, --help Prints help message`;
async function main() { const { _: args, ...options } = parse(Deno.args);
// prints aleph.js version if (options.v) { console.log(`aleph.js v${VERSION}`); Deno.exit(0); }
// prints aleph.js and deno version if (options.version) { const { deno, v8, typescript } = Deno.version; console.log([ `aleph.js ${VERSION}`, `deno ${deno}`, `v8 ${v8}`, `typescript ${typescript}`, ].join("\n")); Deno.exit(0); }
// prints help message if (options.h || || !(args.length > 0 && args[0] in commands)) { console.log(helpMessage); Deno.exit(0); }
const command = String(args.shift()) as keyof typeof commands; const runOptions: RunOptions = {};
// invoke `init` command if (command === "init") { const { default: init } = await import(`./commands/init.ts`); await init(args[0], options?.template); return; }
// get moudle cache directory const p ={ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "info", "--json"], stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); const output = (new TextDecoder()).decode(await p.output()); const { modulesCache } = JSON.parse(output); if (util.isFilledString(modulesCache)) { Deno.env.set("MODULES_CACHE_DIR", modulesCache); } p.close();
if (Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV")) { runOptions.denoConfigFile = resolve("./deno.json"); runOptions.importMapFile = resolve("./import_map.json"); Deno.env.set("ALEPH_DEV_ROOT", Deno.cwd()); Deno.env.set("ALEPH_DEV_PORT", "2020"); serveDir({ cwd: Deno.cwd(), port: 2020 }); console.debug(dim("DEBUG"), `Proxy on http://localhost:2020`); } else { runOptions.denoConfigFile = await findFile(["deno.jsonc", "deno.json", "tsconfig.json"]); runOptions.importMapFile = await findFile( ["import_map", "import-map", "importmap", "importMap"].map((name) => `${name}.json`), ); if (runOptions.importMapFile) { try { let update: boolean | null = null; const importMap = await readImportMap(runOptions.importMapFile); for (const key in importMap.imports) { const url = importMap.imports[key]; if ( /\/\/deno\.land\/x\/aleph(_canary)?@v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[a-z0-9\.]+)?\//.test(url) ) { const [prefix, rest] = util.splitBy(url, "@"); const [ver, suffix] = util.splitBy(rest, "/"); if (command === "dev" && ver !== VERSION && update === null) { update = confirm( `You are using a different version of Aleph.js, expect ${ver} -> v${bold(VERSION)}, update '${ basename(runOptions.importMapFile) }'?`, ); if (!update) { runOptions.version = ver; runOptions.isCanary = prefix.endsWith("_canary"); break; } } if (update) { importMap.imports[key] = `${prefix}@${VERSION}/${suffix}`; } } } if (update) { await Deno.writeTextFile( runOptions.importMapFile, JSON.stringify({ imports: importMap.imports, scopes: importMap.scopes }, undefined, 2), ); } } catch (e) { log.error(`invalid '${basename(runOptions.importMapFile)}':`, e.message); if (!confirm("Continue?")) { Deno.exit(1); } } } }
if (args.length > 0) { Deno.chdir(String(args[0])); } await run(command, runOptions);}
type RunOptions = { version?: string; isCanary?: boolean; denoConfigFile?: string; importMapFile?: string;};
async function run(command: string, options: RunOptions) { const { version, isCanary, denoConfigFile, importMapFile } = options; const { esbuildBinDir, esbuildBinPath } = getEsbuildPath("0.14.36"); const devPort = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV_PORT"); const rwDirs = [ Deno.env.get("MODULES_CACHE_DIR"), Deno.env.get("ALEPH_DEV_ROOT"), esbuildBinDir, ".", ].filter(Boolean); const cmd = [ Deno.execPath(), "run", "--allow-env", "--allow-net", "--allow-read=" + rwDirs.join(","), "--allow-write=" + rwDirs.join(","), "--allow-run=" + esbuildBinPath, "--location=http://localhost", "--no-check", "--unstable", denoConfigFile && `--config=${denoConfigFile}`, importMapFile && `--import-map=${importMapFile}`, devPort && `--reload=http://localhost:${devPort}`, ].filter(Boolean) as string[]; if (version) { const pkgName = isCanary ? "aleph_canary" : "aleph"; cmd.push(`${pkgName}@${version}/commands/${command}.ts`); Deno.env.set("ALEPH_VERSION", version); } else if (devPort) { cmd.push(`http://localhost:${devPort}/commands/${command}.ts`); } else { cmd.push(new URL(`./commands/${command}.ts`, import.meta.url).href); } cmd.push(...Deno.args.slice(1)); const p ={ cmd, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped" }); pipe(p.stdout, Deno.stdout); pipe(p.stderr, Deno.stderr); const { code } = await p.status(); Deno.exit(code);}
async function pipe(reader: Deno.Reader, writer: Deno.Writer) { for await (const line of readLines(reader)) { const newLine = fixLine(line); if (newLine !== null) { await writeAll(writer, util.utf8TextEncoder.encode(newLine + "\n")); } }}
const regStackLoc = /(http:\/\/localhost:60\d{2}\/.+)(:\d+:\d+)/;
function fixLine(line: string): string | null { const l = stripColor(line); if (l.startsWith(`Download http://localhost:`)) { return null; } const ret = l.match(regStackLoc); if (ret) { const url = new URL(ret[1]); return l.replace(ret[0], `.${url.pathname}${ret[2]}`); } return line;}
function getEsbuildPath(version: string) { let name: string; let baseDir: string | undefined; switch ( { case "darwin": { baseDir = Deno.env.get("HOME"); if (baseDir) { baseDir += "/Library/Caches"; } break; } case "windows": { baseDir = Deno.env.get("LOCALAPPDATA"); if (!baseDir) { baseDir = Deno.env.get("USERPROFILE"); if (baseDir) { baseDir += "/AppData/Local"; } } if (baseDir) { baseDir += "/Cache"; } break; } case "linux": { const xdg = Deno.env.get("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); if (xdg && xdg[0] === "/") { baseDir = xdg; } break; } } if (!baseDir) { baseDir = Deno.env.get("HOME"); if (baseDir) { baseDir += "/.cache"; } } if (!baseDir) { throw new Error("Failed to find cache directory"); } const platformKey =; const knownWindowsPackages: Record<string, string> = { "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc": "esbuild-windows-64", }; const knownUnixlikePackages: Record<string, string> = { "aarch64-apple-darwin": "esbuild-darwin-arm64", "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu": "esbuild-linux-arm64", "x86_64-apple-darwin": "esbuild-darwin-64", "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu": "esbuild-linux-64", }; if (platformKey in knownWindowsPackages) { name = knownWindowsPackages[platformKey]; } else if (platformKey in knownUnixlikePackages) { name = knownUnixlikePackages[platformKey]; } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported platform: ${platformKey}`); }
const esbuildBinDir = baseDir + `/esbuild/bin`; const esbuildBinPath = esbuildBinDir + `/${name}@${version}`; return { esbuildBinDir, esbuildBinPath };}
if (import.meta.main) { main();}