

The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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Contributing to Aleph.js

Welcome, and thank you for taking time in contributing to Aleph.js! You can contribute to Aleph.js in different ways:

  • Submit new features
  • Report and fix bugs
  • Review code
  • Improve our documentation

Development Setup

You will need Deno 1.20+.

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local device.
  3. Create a new branch git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME.
  4. Change code then run the examples.
  5. Push your branch to Github after all tests passed.
  6. Make a pull request.
  7. Merge to master branch by our maintainers.


# run the example app in development mode
deno task dev examples/react-app

# run the example app in production mode
deno task start examples/react-app

# build the example app into a worker for serverless platform
deno task build examples/react-app


# run the example app in development mode
deno task dev examples/vue-app

# run the example app in production mode
deno task start examples/vue-app

# build the example app into a worker for serverless platform
deno task build examples/vue-app


You can run all tests with the following command:

deno task test

Project Structure

  • /commands commands of Aleph.js CLI
  • /compiler the compiler of Aleph.js written in Rust, powered by swc and parcel-css
  • /examples examples to learn
  • /framework
    • core framework core
    • react framework in React
  • /lib shared lib
  • /loaders builtin loaders
  • /server server of Aleph.js

Code Style We Followed

  • Double quote for string
  • Semicolons is good
  • 2 spaces indent
  • Types everything
  • Order your imports
  • Remove unused variables
  • Format code before commit
deno fmt **/*.(ts|tsx)

Code of Conduct

All contributors are expected to follow our Code of Conduct.