

A better Deno framework to create web application.
import type { HandlerFunc } from "./types.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "./vendor/https/";import { Status } from "./vendor/https/";import { createApplication } from "./test_util.ts";import { NotFoundHandler } from "./util.ts";import { NotFoundException } from "./http_exception.ts";import { HttpMethod } from "./constants.ts";const { readFile, test } = Deno;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();const addr = `http://localhost:8081`;
test("app static", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); app.static("/examples", "./examples/template");
let res = await fetch(`${addr}/examples/main.ts`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals( await res.text(), decoder.decode(await readFile("./examples/template/main.ts")), );
res = await fetch(`${addr}/examples/`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.NotFound); assertEquals( await res.text(), JSON.stringify(new NotFoundException().response), ); res = await fetch(`${addr}/examples/index.html`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals( await res.text(), decoder.decode(await readFile("./examples/template/index.html")), );
res = await fetch(`${addr}/examples/empty`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.NotFound); assertEquals( await res.text(), JSON.stringify(new NotFoundException().response), ); await app.close();});
test("app file", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); app.file("ci", "./.github/workflows/ci.yml"); app.file("fileempty", "./fileempty");
let res = await fetch(`${addr}/ci`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals( await res.text(), decoder.decode(await readFile("./.github/workflows/ci.yml")), );
res = await fetch(`${addr}/fileempty`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.NotFound); assertEquals( await res.text(), JSON.stringify(new NotFoundException().response), ); await app.close();});
test("app middleware", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); let str = ""; app .pre((next) => (c) => { str += "0"; return next(c); } ) .use( (next) => (c) => { str += "1"; return next(c); }, (next) => (c) => { str += "2"; return next(c); }, (next) => (c) => { str += "3"; return next(c); }, ) .get("/middleware", () => str);
const res = await fetch(`${addr}/middleware`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), str); assertEquals(str, "0123"); await app.close();});
test("app middleware error", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); const errMsg = "err"; app.get("/middlewareerror", NotFoundHandler, function (): HandlerFunc { return function (): HandlerFunc { throw new NotFoundException(errMsg); }; });
const res = await fetch(`${addr}/middlewareerror`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.NotFound); assertEquals( await res.text(), JSON.stringify(new NotFoundException(errMsg).response), ); await app.close();});
test("app handler", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); app.get("/ok", (): string => "ok");
const res = await fetch(`${addr}/ok`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), "ok"); await app.close();});
test("app http methods", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); app .delete("/delete", (): string => "delete") .get("/get", (): string => "get") .post("/post", (): string => "post") .put("/put", (): string => "put") .any("/any", (): string => "any") .match(Object.values(HttpMethod), "/match", (): string => "match");
let res = await fetch(`${addr}/delete`, { method: HttpMethod.Delete }); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), "delete");
res = await fetch(`${addr}/get`, { method: HttpMethod.Get }); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), "get");
res = await fetch(`${addr}/post`, { method: HttpMethod.Post }); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), "post");
res = await fetch(`${addr}/put`, { method: HttpMethod.Put }); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), "put");
for (const i of ["GET", "PUT", "POST", "PATCH", "DELETE"]) { res = await fetch(`${addr}/any`, { method: i }); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), "any"); res = await fetch(`${addr}/match`, { method: i }); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.text(), "match"); } await app.close();});
test("app not found", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); app.get("/not_found_handler", NotFoundHandler);
const res = await fetch(`${addr}/not_found_handler`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.NotFound); assertEquals( await res.text(), JSON.stringify(new NotFoundException().response), ); await app.close();});
test("app query string", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); app.get("/qs", (c) => c.queryParams); const res = await fetch(`${addr}/qs?foo=bar`); assertEquals(res.status, Status.OK); assertEquals(await res.json(), { foo: "bar" }); await app.close();});
test("app use after router", async function (): Promise<void> { const app = createApplication(); let preUname: string | undefined, useUname: string | undefined, handlerUname: string | undefined; app.get("/:uname", (c) => { handlerUname = c.params.uname; }); app.pre((next) => (c) => { preUname = c.params.uname; return next(c); } ); app.use((next) => (c) => { useUname = c.params.uname; return next(c); } );
await fetch(`${addr}/zhmushan`).then((resp) => resp.text()); assertEquals(preUname, undefined); assertEquals(useUname, "zhmushan"); assertEquals(handlerUname, "zhmushan"); await app.close();});