

A better Deno framework to create web application.
import type { HandlerFunc, MiddlewareFunc, Renderer } from "./types.ts";import type { HTTPOptions, HTTPSOptions, Server,} from "./vendor/https/";
import { serve, serveTLS } from "./vendor/https/";import { join } from "./vendor/https/";import { yellow } from "./vendor/https/";import { Context } from "./context.ts";import { Router } from "./router.ts";import { Group } from "./group.ts";import { createHttpExceptionBody, HttpException, InternalServerErrorException,} from "./http_exception.ts";
export function NotImplemented(): Error { return new Error("Not Implemented");}
/** * Hello World. * * const app = new Application(); * * app * .get("/hello", (c) => { * return "Hello, Abc!"; * }) * .start({ port: 8080 }); */export class Application { server: Server | undefined; renderer: Renderer | undefined; router = new Router(); middleware: MiddlewareFunc[] = []; premiddleware: MiddlewareFunc[] = [];
#process: Promise<void> | undefined; #groups: Group[] = [];
/** Unstable */ get θprocess(): Promise<void> | undefined { console.warn(yellow("`Application#θprocess` is UNSTABLE!")); return this.#process; }
#start = async (s: Server): Promise<void> => { this.server = s;
for await (const req of this.server) { const c = new Context({ r: req, app: this, }); let h: HandlerFunc;
for (const i of this.#groups) { i.θapplyMiddleware(); }
if (this.premiddleware.length === 0) { h = this.router.find(req.method, c); h = this.#applyMiddleware(h, ...this.middleware); } else { h = (c) => { h = this.router.find(req.method, c); h = this.#applyMiddleware(h, ...this.middleware); return h(c); }; h = this.#applyMiddleware(h, ...this.premiddleware); }
this.#transformResult(c, h).then((): void => { req.respond(c.response).catch(() => {}); }); } };
#applyMiddleware = (h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): HandlerFunc => { for (let i = m.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { h = m[i](h); }
return h; };
/** * Start an HTTP server. * * app.start({ port: 8080 }); */ start(sc: HTTPOptions): void { this.#process = this.#start(serve(sc)); }
/** Start an HTTPS server. */ startTLS(sc: HTTPSOptions): void { this.#process = this.#start(serveTLS(sc)); }
/** * Stop the server immediately. * * await app.close(); */ async close(): Promise<void> { if (this.server) { this.server.close(); } await this.#process; }
/** `pre` adds middleware which is run before router. */ pre(...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { this.premiddleware.push(...m); return this; }
/** `use` adds middleware which is run after router. */ use(...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { this.middleware.push(...m); return this; }
connect(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("CONNECT", path, h, ...m); }
delete(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("DELETE", path, h, ...m); }
get(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("GET", path, h, ...m); }
head(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("HEAD", path, h, ...m); }
options(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("OPTIONS", path, h, ...m); }
patch(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("PATCH", path, h, ...m); }
post(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("POST", path, h, ...m); }
put(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("PUT", path, h, ...m); }
trace(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.add("TRACE", path, h, ...m); }
any(path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { const methods = [ "CONNECT", "DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT", "TRACE", ]; for (const method of methods) { this.add(method, path, h, ...m); } return this; }
match( methods: string[], path: string, h: HandlerFunc, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[] ): Application { for (const method of methods) { this.add(method, path, h, ...m); } return this; }
add( method: string, path: string, handler: HandlerFunc, ...middleware: MiddlewareFunc[] ): Application { this.router.add(method, path, (c: Context): unknown => { let h = handler; for (const m of middleware) { h = m(h); } return h(c); }); return this; }
/** `group` creates a new router group with prefix and optional group level middleware. */ group(prefix: string, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Group { const g = new Group({ app: this, prefix }); this.#groups.push(g); g.use(...m); return g; }
/** * Register a new route with path prefix to serve static files from the provided root directory. * For example, a request to `/static/js/main.js` will fetch and serve `assets/js/main.js` file. * * app.static("/static", "assets"); */ static(prefix: string, root: string, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { if (prefix[prefix.length - 1] === "/") { prefix = prefix.slice(0, prefix.length - 1); } const h: HandlerFunc = (c) => { const filepath = c.path.substr(prefix.length); return c.file(join(root, filepath)); }; return this.get(`${prefix}/*`, h, ...m); }
/** * Register a new route with path to serve a static file with optional route-level middleware. * * app.file("/", "public/index.html"); */ file(path: string, filepath: string, ...m: MiddlewareFunc[]): Application { return this.get(path, (c) => c.file(filepath), ...m); }
#transformResult = async (c: Context, h: HandlerFunc): Promise<void> => { let result: unknown; try { result = await h(c); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof HttpException) { result = c.json( typeof e.response === "object" ? e.response : createHttpExceptionBody(e.response, undefined, e.status), e.status, ); } else { console.log(e); e = new InternalServerErrorException(e.message); result = c.json( (e as InternalServerErrorException).response, (e as InternalServerErrorException).status, ); } } if (c.response.status == undefined) { switch (typeof result) { case "object": if (result instanceof Uint8Array) { c.blob(result); } else { c.json(result as Record<string, unknown>); } break; case "string": /^\s*</.test(result) ? c.html(result) : c.string(result); break; default: c.string(String(result)); } } };}