class ServerRequestimport { ServerRequest } from ""; Propertiesprivate_body: Deno.Reader | nullprivate_contentLength: number | undefined | nullprivatefinalized: booleanreadonlybody: Deno.ReaderBody of the request. The easiest way to consume the body is: const buf: Uint8Array = await Deno.readAll(req.body); conn: Deno.ConnreadonlycontentLength: number | nullValue of Content-Length header. If null, then content length is invalid or not given (e.g. chunked encoding). done: Deferred<Error | undefined>headers: Headersmethod: stringproto: stringprotoMajor: numberprotoMinor: numberr: BufReaderurl: stringw: BufWriterMethodsfinalize(): Promise<void>respond(r: Response): Promise<void>