class IniMapimport { IniMap } from ""; Class implementation for fine control of INI data structures. ConstructorsnewIniMap(formatting?: FormattingOptions)Propertiesreadonlycomments: CommentsManage comments in the INI. readonlyformatting: Formattingreadonlysize: numberGet the count of key/value pairs. Methodsclear(sectionName?: string): voidClear a single section or the entire INI. delete(key: string): booleanDelete a global key in the INI. delete(section: string, key: string): booleanDelete a section key in the INI. entries(): Generator<[string, unknown, string | undefined]>Iterate over each entry in the INI to retrieve key, value, and section. get(key: string): unknownGet a value from a global key in the INI. get(section: string, key: string): unknownGet a value from a section key in the INI. has(key: string): booleanCheck if a global key exists in the INI. has(section: string, key: string): booleanCheck if a section key exists in the INI. parse(text: string, reviver?: ReviverFunction): thisParse an INI string in this IniMap. set(key: string, value: any): thisSet the value of a global key in the INI. set(section: string,key: string,value: any,): thisSet the value of a section key in the INI. toJSON(): Record<string, unknown | Record<string, unknown>>Convenience method for JSON.stringify. toObject(): Record<string, unknown | Record<string, unknown>>Convert this IniMap to a plain object. toString(replacer?: ReplacerFunction): stringConvert this IniMap to an INI string. Static Methodsfrom(input: string, options?: ParseOptions & FormattingOptions): IniMapCreate an IniMap from an INI string. from(input: Record<string, any>, formatting?: FormattingOptions): IniMapCreate an IniMap from a plain object.