Use unicodeWidth
from std/cli
instead. This will be
removed once the Standard Library migrates to JSR.
import { unicodeWidth } from "";
Calculate the physical width of a string in a TTY-like environment. This is useful for cases such as calculating where a line-wrap will occur and underlining strings.
The physical width is given by the number of columns required to display the string. The number of columns a given unicode character occupies can vary depending on the character itself.
Calculating the unicode width of a string
Calculating the unicode width of a string
import { unicodeWidth } from "";
unicodeWidth("hello world"); // 11
unicodeWidth("天地玄黃宇宙洪荒"); // 16
unicodeWidth("fullwidth"); // 18
Calculating the unicode width of a color-encoded string
Calculating the unicode width of a color-encoded string
import { unicodeWidth } from "";
import { stripAnsiCode } from "";
unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1b[36mголубой\x1b[39m")); // 7
unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1b[31m紅色\x1b[39m")); // 4
unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1B]8;;\x07🦕\x1B]8;;\x07")); // 2
to remove ANSI escape codes from a string before passing it to