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function deepMerge
import { deepMerge } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/std@0.181.0/collections/deep_merge.ts";

Merges the two given Records, recursively merging any nested Records with the second collection overriding the first in case of conflict

For arrays, maps and sets, a merging strategy can be specified to either replace values, or merge them instead. Use includeNonEnumerable option to include non-enumerable properties too.


Example 1

import { deepMerge } from "https://deno.land/std@0.181.0/collections/deep_merge.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.181.0/testing/asserts.ts";

const a = { foo: true };
const b = { foo: { bar: true } };

assertEquals(deepMerge(a, b), { foo: { bar: true } });

Type Parameters

T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>


record: Partial<Readonly<T>>
other: Partial<Readonly<T>>
options: Readonly<DeepMergeOptions>

Type Parameters

T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>
U extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>
Options extends DeepMergeOptions


record: Readonly<T>
other: Readonly<U>
options: Readonly<Options>