

Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { copy, iterateReader, iterateReaderSync, readableStreamFromIterable, readableStreamFromReader, readAll, readAllSync, readerFromIterable, readerFromStreamReader, toTransformStream, writableStreamFromWriter, writeAll, writeAllSync, writerFromStreamWriter,} from "./conversion.ts";import { Buffer } from "../io/buffer.ts";import { concat, copy as copyBytes } from "../bytes/mod.ts";
function repeat(c: string, bytes: number): Uint8Array { assertEquals(c.length, 1); const ui8 = new Uint8Array(bytes); ui8.fill(c.charCodeAt(0)); return ui8;}
Deno.test("[streams] readerFromIterable()", async function () { const reader = readerFromIterable((function* () { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); for (const string of ["hello", "deno", "foo"]) { yield encoder.encode(string); } })());
const readStrings = []; const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const p = new Uint8Array(4); while (true) { const n = await; if (n == null) { break; } readStrings.push(decoder.decode(p.slice(0, n))); } assertEquals(readStrings, ["hell", "o", "deno", "foo"]);});
Deno.test("[streams] writerFromStreamWriter()", async function () { const written: string[] = []; const chunks: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const writableStream = new WritableStream({ write(chunk): void { const decoder = new TextDecoder(); written.push(decoder.decode(chunk)); }, });
const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const writer = writerFromStreamWriter(writableStream.getWriter());
for (const chunk of chunks) { const n = await writer.write(encoder.encode(chunk)); // stream writers always write all the bytes assertEquals(n, chunk.length); }
assertEquals(written, chunks);});
Deno.test("[streams] readerFromStreamReader()", async function () { const chunks: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const expected = chunks.slice(); const readChunks: Uint8Array[] = []; const readableStream = new ReadableStream({ pull(controller): void { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const chunk = chunks.shift(); if (!chunk) return controller.close(); controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(chunk)); }, });
const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const reader = readerFromStreamReader(readableStream.getReader());
let i = 0;
while (true) { const b = new Uint8Array(1024); const n = await;
if (n === null) break;
readChunks.push(b.subarray(0, n)); assert(i < expected.length);
i++; }
assertEquals( expected, => decoder.decode(chunk)), );});
Deno.test("[streams] readerFromStreamReader() big chunks", async function () { const bufSize = 1024; const chunkSize = 3 * bufSize; const writer = new Buffer();
// A readable stream can enqueue chunks bigger than Copy bufSize // Reader returned by toReader should enqueue exceeding bytes const chunks: string[] = [ "a".repeat(chunkSize), "b".repeat(chunkSize), "c".repeat(chunkSize), ]; const expected = chunks.slice(); const readableStream = new ReadableStream({ pull(controller): void { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const chunk = chunks.shift(); if (!chunk) return controller.close();
controller.enqueue(encoder.encode(chunk)); }, });
const reader = readerFromStreamReader(readableStream.getReader()); const n = await copy(reader, writer, { bufSize });
const expectedWritten = chunkSize * expected.length; assertEquals(n, chunkSize * expected.length); assertEquals(writer.length, expectedWritten);});
Deno.test("[streams] readerFromStreamReader() irregular chunks", async function () { const bufSize = 1024; const chunkSize = 3 * bufSize; const writer = new Buffer();
// A readable stream can enqueue chunks bigger than Copy bufSize // Reader returned by toReader should enqueue exceeding bytes const chunks: Uint8Array[] = [ repeat("a", chunkSize), repeat("b", chunkSize + 253), repeat("c", chunkSize + 8), ]; const expected = new Uint8Array( chunks .slice() .map((chunk) => [...chunk]) .flat(), ); const readableStream = new ReadableStream({ pull(controller): void { const chunk = chunks.shift(); if (!chunk) return controller.close();
controller.enqueue(chunk); }, });
const reader = readerFromStreamReader(readableStream.getReader());
const n = await copy(reader, writer, { bufSize }); assertEquals(n, expected.length); assertEquals(expected, writer.bytes());});
class MockWriterCloser implements Deno.Writer, Deno.Closer { chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; closeCall = 0;
write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number> { if (this.closeCall) { throw new Error("already closed"); } if (p.length) { this.chunks.push(p); } return Promise.resolve(p.length); }
close() { this.closeCall++; }}
Deno.test("[streams] writableStreamFromWriter()", async function () { const written: string[] = []; const chunks: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const decoder = new TextDecoder();
// deno-lint-ignore require-await async function write(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number> { written.push(decoder.decode(p)); return p.length; }
const writableStream = writableStreamFromWriter({ write });
const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const streamWriter = writableStream.getWriter(); for (const chunk of chunks) { await streamWriter.write(encoder.encode(chunk)); }
assertEquals(written, chunks);});
Deno.test("[streams] writableStreamFromWriter() - calls close on close", async function () { const written: string[] = []; const chunks: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const writer = new MockWriterCloser(); const writableStream = writableStreamFromWriter(writer);
const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const streamWriter = writableStream.getWriter(); for (const chunk of chunks) { await streamWriter.write(encoder.encode(chunk)); } await streamWriter.close();
for (const chunk of writer.chunks) { written.push(decoder.decode(chunk)); }
assertEquals(written, chunks); assertEquals(writer.closeCall, 1);});
Deno.test("[streams] writableStreamFromWriter() - calls close on abort", async function () { const written: string[] = []; const chunks: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const writer = new MockWriterCloser(); const writableStream = writableStreamFromWriter(writer);
const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const streamWriter = writableStream.getWriter(); for (const chunk of chunks) { await streamWriter.write(encoder.encode(chunk)); } await streamWriter.abort();
for (const chunk of writer.chunks) { written.push(decoder.decode(chunk)); }
assertEquals(written, chunks); assertEquals(writer.closeCall, 1);});
Deno.test("[streams] writableStreamFromWriter() - doesn't call close with autoClose false", async function () { const written: string[] = []; const chunks: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const writer = new MockWriterCloser(); const writableStream = writableStreamFromWriter(writer, { autoClose: false });
const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const streamWriter = writableStream.getWriter(); for (const chunk of chunks) { await streamWriter.write(encoder.encode(chunk)); } await streamWriter.close();
for (const chunk of writer.chunks) { written.push(decoder.decode(chunk)); }
assertEquals(written, chunks); assertEquals(writer.closeCall, 0);});
Deno.test("[streams] readableStreamFromIterable() array", async function () { const strings: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const readableStream = readableStreamFromIterable( => encoder.encode(s)), );
const readStrings = []; const decoder = new TextDecoder(); for await (const chunk of readableStream) { readStrings.push(decoder.decode(chunk)); }
assertEquals(readStrings, strings);});
Deno.test("[streams] readableStreamFromIterable() generator", async function () { const strings: string[] = ["hello", "deno", "land"]; const readableStream = readableStreamFromIterable((function* () { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); for (const string of strings) { yield encoder.encode(string); } })());
const readStrings = []; const decoder = new TextDecoder(); for await (const chunk of readableStream) { readStrings.push(decoder.decode(chunk)); }
assertEquals(readStrings, strings);});
Deno.test("[streams] readableStreamFromIterable() cancel", async function () { let generatorError = null; const readable = readableStreamFromIterable(async function* () { try { yield "foo"; } catch (error) { generatorError = error; } }()); const reader = readable.getReader(); assertEquals(await, { value: "foo", done: false }); const cancelReason = new Error("Cancelled by consumer."); await reader.cancel(cancelReason); assertEquals(generatorError, cancelReason);});
Deno.test({ name: "[streams] toTransformStream()", async fn() { const readable = readableStreamFromIterable([0, 1, 2]) .pipeThrough(toTransformStream(async function* (src) { for await (const i of src) { yield i * 100; } }));
const res = []; for await (const i of readable) { res.push(i); } assertEquals(res, [0, 100, 200]); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[streams] toTransformStream() Pass iterable instead of asyncIterable", async fn() { const readable = readableStreamFromIterable([0, 1, 2]) .pipeThrough(toTransformStream(function* (_src) { yield 0; yield 100; yield 200; }));
const res = []; for await (const i of readable) { res.push(i); } assertEquals(res, [0, 100, 200]); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[streams] toTransformStream() Propagate the error from readable 1", async fn(t) { // When data is pipelined in the order of readable1 → generator → readable2, // Propagate the error that occurred in readable1 to generator and readable2. const expectedError = new Error("Error from readable1"); await t.step({ name: "to readable 2", async fn() { // Propagate the error that occurred in readable1 to readable2. let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.error(expectedError); // error from readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(async function* (src) { for await (const i of src) { yield i; } }), );
try { await readable2.getReader().read(); } catch (error) { actualError = error; // catch error in readable2 }
assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); await t.step({ name: "to generator", async fn() { // Propagate the error that occurred in readable1 to generator. let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ start(controller) { controller.error(expectedError); // error from readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(async function* (src) { try { await src.getReader().read(); } catch (error) { actualError = error; // catch error in generator } yield 0; }), );
await readable2.getReader().read(); assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[streams] toTransformStream() Propagate the error from generator", async fn(t) { // When data is pipelined in the order of readable1 → generator → readable2, // Propagate the error that occurred in generator to readable2 and readable1. const expectedError = new Error("Error from generator"); let actualError1: unknown = null; let actualError2: unknown = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ cancel(reason) { actualError1 = reason; // catch error in readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( // deno-lint-ignore require-yield toTransformStream(function* () { throw expectedError; // error from generator }), );
try { await readable2.getReader().read(); } catch (error) { actualError2 = error; // catch error in readable2 }
await t.step({ name: "to readable 1", fn() { assertEquals(actualError1, expectedError); }, }); await t.step({ name: "to readable 2", fn() { assertEquals(actualError2, expectedError); }, }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[streams] toTransformStream() Propagate cancellation from readable 2", async fn(t) { // When data is pipelined in the order of readable1 → generator → readable2, // Propagate the cancellation that occurred in readable2 to readable1 and generator. const expectedError = new Error("Error from readable2"); await t.step({ name: "to readable 1", async fn() { let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream({ cancel(reason) { actualError = reason; // catch error in readable1 }, }); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(function* () { yield 0; }), );
await readable2.cancel(expectedError); // cancellation from readable2 assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); await t.step({ name: "to readable 2", async fn() { let actualError = null;
const readable1 = new ReadableStream(); const readable2 = readable1.pipeThrough( toTransformStream(function* () { try { yield 0; } catch (error) { actualError = error; // catch error in generator } }), );
const reader = readable2.getReader(); await; await reader.cancel(expectedError); // cancellation from readable2 assertEquals(actualError, expectedError); }, }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "[streams] toTransformStream() Cancel streams with the correct error message", async fn() { const src = readableStreamFromIterable([0, 1, 2]); // deno-lint-ignore require-yield const transform = toTransformStream(function* (src) { src.getReader(); // lock the source stream to cause error at cancel throw new Error("foo"); });
await assertRejects( async () => { for await (const _ of src.pipeThrough(transform)); }, Error, "foo", ); },});
class MockReaderCloser implements Deno.Reader, Deno.Closer { chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; closeCall = 0;
read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null> { if (this.closeCall) { throw new Error("already closed"); } if (p.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve(0); } const chunk = this.chunks.shift(); if (chunk) { const copied = copyBytes(chunk, p); if (copied < chunk.length) { this.chunks.unshift(chunk.subarray(copied)); } return Promise.resolve(copied); } return Promise.resolve(null); }
close() { this.closeCall++; }}
Deno.test("[streams] readableStreamFromReader()", async function () { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const reader = new Buffer(encoder.encode("hello deno land")); const stream = readableStreamFromReader(reader); const actual: Uint8Array[] = []; for await (const read of stream) { actual.push(read); } const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assertEquals(decoder.decode(concat(...actual)), "hello deno land");});
Deno.test({ name: "[streams] readableStreamFromReader() auto closes closer", async fn() {},});
Deno.test("[streams] readableStreamFromReader() - calls close", async function () { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const reader = new MockReaderCloser(); reader.chunks = [ encoder.encode("hello "), encoder.encode("deno "), encoder.encode("land"), ]; const stream = readableStreamFromReader(reader); const actual: Uint8Array[] = []; for await (const read of stream) { actual.push(read); } const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assertEquals(decoder.decode(concat(...actual)), "hello deno land"); assertEquals(reader.closeCall, 1);});
Deno.test("[streams] readableStreamFromReader() - doesn't call close with autoClose false", async function () { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const reader = new MockReaderCloser(); reader.chunks = [ encoder.encode("hello "), encoder.encode("deno "), encoder.encode("land"), ]; const stream = readableStreamFromReader(reader, { autoClose: false }); const actual: Uint8Array[] = []; for await (const read of stream) { actual.push(read); } const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assertEquals(decoder.decode(concat(...actual)), "hello deno land"); assertEquals(reader.closeCall, 0);});
Deno.test("[streams] readableStreamFromReader() - chunkSize", async function () { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const reader = new MockReaderCloser(); reader.chunks = [ encoder.encode("hello "), encoder.encode("deno "), encoder.encode("land"), ]; const stream = readableStreamFromReader(reader, { chunkSize: 2 }); const actual: Uint8Array[] = []; for await (const read of stream) { actual.push(read); } const decoder = new TextDecoder(); assertEquals(actual.length, 8); assertEquals(decoder.decode(concat(...actual)), "hello deno land"); assertEquals(reader.closeCall, 1);});
// N controls how many iterations of certain checks are performed.const N = 100;let testBytes: Uint8Array | null;
export function init(): void { if (testBytes == null) { testBytes = new Uint8Array(N); for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { testBytes[i] = "a".charCodeAt(0) + (i % 26); } }}
Deno.test("testReadAll", async () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const reader = new Buffer(testBytes.buffer); const actualBytes = await readAll(reader); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
Deno.test("testReadAllSync", () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const reader = new Buffer(testBytes.buffer); const actualBytes = readAllSync(reader); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
Deno.test("testwriteAll", async () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const writer = new Buffer(); await writeAll(writer, testBytes); const actualBytes = writer.bytes(); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
Deno.test("testWriteAllSync", () => { init(); assert(testBytes); const writer = new Buffer(); writeAllSync(writer, testBytes); const actualBytes = writer.bytes(); assertEquals(testBytes.byteLength, actualBytes.byteLength); for (let i = 0; i < testBytes.length; ++i) { assertEquals(testBytes[i], actualBytes[i]); }});
Deno.test("iterateReader", async () => { // ref: const encoder = new TextEncoder();
class TestReader implements Deno.Reader { #offset = 0; #buf: Uint8Array;
constructor(s: string) { this.#buf = new Uint8Array(encoder.encode(s)); }
read(p: Uint8Array): Promise<number | null> { const n = Math.min(p.byteLength, this.#buf.byteLength - this.#offset); p.set(this.#buf.slice(this.#offset, this.#offset + n)); this.#offset += n;
if (n === 0) { return Promise.resolve(null); }
return Promise.resolve(n); } }
const reader = new TestReader("hello world!");
let totalSize = 0; for await (const buf of iterateReader(reader)) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12);});
Deno.test("iterateReaderSync", () => { // ref: const encoder = new TextEncoder();
class TestReader implements Deno.ReaderSync { #offset = 0; #buf: Uint8Array;
constructor(s: string) { this.#buf = new Uint8Array(encoder.encode(s)); }
readSync(p: Uint8Array): number | null { const n = Math.min(p.byteLength, this.#buf.byteLength - this.#offset); p.set(this.#buf.slice(this.#offset, this.#offset + n)); this.#offset += n;
if (n === 0) { return null; }
return n; } }
const reader = new TestReader("hello world!");
let totalSize = 0; for (const buf of iterateReaderSync(reader)) { totalSize += buf.byteLength; }
assertEquals(totalSize, 12);});