

Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import * as net from "./net.ts";import EventEmitter from "./events.ts";import { debuglog } from "./internal/util/debuglog.ts";let debug = debuglog("http", (fn) => { debug = fn;});import { AsyncResource } from "./async_hooks.ts";import { symbols } from "./internal/async_hooks.ts";// deno-lint-ignore camelcaseconst { async_id_symbol } = symbols;import { ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } from "./internal/errors.ts";import { once } from "./internal/util.mjs";import { validateNumber, validateOneOf, validateString,} from "./internal/validators.mjs";
const kOnKeylog = Symbol("onkeylog");const kRequestOptions = Symbol("requestOptions");const kRequestAsyncResource = Symbol("requestAsyncResource");// New Agent code.
// The largest departure from the previous implementation is that// an Agent instance holds connections for a variable number of host:ports.// Surprisingly, this is still API compatible as far as third parties are// concerned. The only code that really notices the difference is the// request object.
// Another departure is that all code related to HTTP parsing is in// ClientRequest.onSocket(). The Agent is now *strictly*// concerned with managing a connection pool.
class ReusedHandle { constructor(type, handle) { this.type = type; this.handle = handle; }}
function freeSocketErrorListener(err) { // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const socket = this; debug("SOCKET ERROR on FREE socket:", err.message, err.stack); socket.destroy(); socket.emit("agentRemove");}
export function Agent(options) { if (!(this instanceof Agent)) { return new Agent(options); };
this.defaultPort = 80; this.protocol = "http:";
this.options = { __proto__: null, ...options };
// Don't confuse net and make it think that we're connecting to a pipe this.options.path = null; this.requests = Object.create(null); this.sockets = Object.create(null); this.freeSockets = Object.create(null); this.keepAliveMsecs = this.options.keepAliveMsecs || 1000; this.keepAlive = this.options.keepAlive || false; this.maxSockets = this.options.maxSockets || Agent.defaultMaxSockets; this.maxFreeSockets = this.options.maxFreeSockets || 256; this.scheduling = this.options.scheduling || "lifo"; this.maxTotalSockets = this.options.maxTotalSockets; this.totalSocketCount = 0;
validateOneOf(this.scheduling, "scheduling", ["fifo", "lifo"]);
if (this.maxTotalSockets !== undefined) { validateNumber(this.maxTotalSockets, "maxTotalSockets"); if (this.maxTotalSockets <= 0 || Number.isNaN(this.maxTotalSockets)) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE( "maxTotalSockets", "> 0", this.maxTotalSockets, ); } } else { this.maxTotalSockets = Infinity; }
this.on("free", (socket, options) => { const name = this.getName(options); debug("agent.on(free)", name);
// TODO(ronag): socket.destroy(err) might have been called // before coming here and have an 'error' scheduled. In the // case of socket.destroy() below this 'error' has no handler // and could cause unhandled exception.
if (!socket.writable) { socket.destroy(); return; }
const requests = this.requests[name]; if (requests && requests.length) { const req = requests.shift(); const reqAsyncRes = req[kRequestAsyncResource]; if (reqAsyncRes) { // Run request within the original async context. reqAsyncRes.runInAsyncScope(() => { asyncResetHandle(socket); setRequestSocket(this, req, socket); }); req[kRequestAsyncResource] = null; } else { setRequestSocket(this, req, socket); } if (requests.length === 0) { delete this.requests[name]; } return; }
// If there are no pending requests, then put it in // the freeSockets pool, but only if we're allowed to do so. const req = socket._httpMessage; if (!req || !req.shouldKeepAlive || !this.keepAlive) { socket.destroy(); return; }
const freeSockets = this.freeSockets[name] || []; const freeLen = freeSockets.length; let count = freeLen; if (this.sockets[name]) { count += this.sockets[name].length; }
if ( this.totalSocketCount > this.maxTotalSockets || count > this.maxSockets || freeLen >= this.maxFreeSockets || !this.keepSocketAlive(socket) ) { socket.destroy(); return; }
this.freeSockets[name] = freeSockets; socket[async_id_symbol] = -1; socket._httpMessage = null; this.removeSocket(socket, options);
socket.once("error", freeSocketErrorListener); freeSockets.push(socket); });
// Don't emit keylog events unless there is a listener for them. this.on("newListener", maybeEnableKeylog);}Object.setPrototypeOf(Agent.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype);Object.setPrototypeOf(Agent, EventEmitter);
function maybeEnableKeylog(eventName) { if (eventName === "keylog") { this.removeListener("newListener", maybeEnableKeylog); // Future sockets will listen on keylog at creation. // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const agent = this; this[kOnKeylog] = function onkeylog(keylog) { agent.emit("keylog", keylog, this); }; // Existing sockets will start listening on keylog now. const sockets = ObjectValues(this.sockets); for (let i = 0; i < sockets.length; i++) { sockets[i].on("keylog", this[kOnKeylog]); } }}
Agent.defaultMaxSockets = Infinity;
Agent.prototype.createConnection = net.createConnection;
// Get the key for a given set of request optionsAgent.prototype.getName = function getName(options) { let name = || "localhost";
name += ":"; if (options.port) { name += options.port; }
name += ":"; if (options.localAddress) { name += options.localAddress; }
// Pacify parallel/test-http-agent-getname by only appending // the ':' when is set. if ( === 4 || === 6) { name += `:${}`; }
if (options.socketPath) { name += `:${options.socketPath}`; }
return name;};
Agent.prototype.addRequest = function addRequest( req, options, port, /* legacy */ localAddress, /* legacy */) { // Legacy API: addRequest(req, host, port, localAddress) if (typeof options === "string") { options = { __proto__: null, host: options, port, localAddress, }; }
options = { __proto__: null, ...options, ...this.options }; if (options.socketPath) { options.path = options.socketPath; }
if (!options.servername && options.servername !== "") { options.servername = calculateServerName(options, req); }
const name = this.getName(options); if (!this.sockets[name]) { this.sockets[name] = []; }
const freeSockets = this.freeSockets[name]; let socket; if (freeSockets) { while (freeSockets.length && freeSockets[0].destroyed) { freeSockets.shift(); } socket = this.scheduling === "fifo" ? freeSockets.shift() : freeSockets.pop(); if (!freeSockets.length) { delete this.freeSockets[name]; } }
const freeLen = freeSockets ? freeSockets.length : 0; const sockLen = freeLen + this.sockets[name].length;
if (socket) { asyncResetHandle(socket); this.reuseSocket(socket, req); setRequestSocket(this, req, socket); this.sockets[name].push(socket); } else if ( sockLen < this.maxSockets && this.totalSocketCount < this.maxTotalSockets ) { debug("call onSocket", sockLen, freeLen); // If we are under maxSockets create a new one. this.createSocket(req, options, (err, socket) => { if (err) { req.onSocket(socket, err); } else { setRequestSocket(this, req, socket); } }); } else { debug("wait for socket"); // We are over limit so we'll add it to the queue. if (!this.requests[name]) { this.requests[name] = []; }
// Used to create sockets for pending requests from different origin req[kRequestOptions] = options; // Used to capture the original async context. req[kRequestAsyncResource] = new AsyncResource("QueuedRequest");
this.requests[name].push(req); }};
Agent.prototype.createSocket = function createSocket(req, options, cb) { options = { __proto__: null, ...options, ...this.options }; if (options.socketPath) { options.path = options.socketPath; }
if (!options.servername && options.servername !== "") { options.servername = calculateServerName(options, req); }
const name = this.getName(options); options._agentKey = name;
debug("createConnection", name, options); options.encoding = null;
const oncreate = once((err, s) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!this.sockets[name]) { this.sockets[name] = []; } this.sockets[name].push(s); this.totalSocketCount++; debug("sockets", name, this.sockets[name].length, this.totalSocketCount); installListeners(this, s, options); cb(null, s); });
const newSocket = this.createConnection(options, oncreate); if (newSocket) { oncreate(null, newSocket); }};
function calculateServerName(options, req) { let servername =; const hostHeader = req.getHeader("host"); if (hostHeader) { validateString(hostHeader, "");
// abc => abc // abc:123 => abc // [::1] => ::1 // [::1]:123 => ::1 if (hostHeader.startsWith("[")) { const index = hostHeader.indexOf("]"); if (index === -1) { // Leading '[', but no ']'. Need to do something... servername = hostHeader; } else { servername = hostHeader.substr(1, index - 1); } } else { servername = hostHeader.split(":", 1)[0]; } } // Don't implicitly set invalid (IP) servernames. if (net.isIP(servername)) { servername = ""; } return servername;}
function installListeners(agent, s, options) { function onFree() { debug("CLIENT socket onFree"); agent.emit("free", s, options); } s.on("free", onFree);
function onClose(_err) { debug("CLIENT socket onClose"); // This is the only place where sockets get removed from the Agent. // If you want to remove a socket from the pool, just close it. // All socket errors end in a close event anyway. agent.totalSocketCount--; agent.removeSocket(s, options); } s.on("close", onClose);
function onTimeout() { debug("CLIENT socket onTimeout");
// Destroy if in free list. // TODO(ronag): Always destroy, even if not in free list. const sockets = agent.freeSockets; if (Object.keys(sockets).some((name) => sockets[name].includes(s))) { return s.destroy(); } } s.on("timeout", onTimeout);
function onRemove() { // We need this function for cases like HTTP 'upgrade' // (defined by WebSockets) where we need to remove a socket from the // pool because it'll be locked up indefinitely debug("CLIENT socket onRemove"); agent.totalSocketCount--; agent.removeSocket(s, options); s.removeListener("close", onClose); s.removeListener("free", onFree); s.removeListener("timeout", onTimeout); s.removeListener("agentRemove", onRemove); } s.on("agentRemove", onRemove);
if (agent[kOnKeylog]) { s.on("keylog", agent[kOnKeylog]); }}
Agent.prototype.removeSocket = function removeSocket(s, options) { const name = this.getName(options); debug("removeSocket", name, "writable:", s.writable); const sets = [this.sockets];
// If the socket was destroyed, remove it from the free buffers too. if (!s.writable) { sets.push(this.freeSockets); }
for (let sk = 0; sk < sets.length; sk++) { const sockets = sets[sk];
if (sockets[name]) { const index = sockets[name].indexOf(s); if (index !== -1) { sockets[name].splice(index, 1); // Don't leak if (sockets[name].length === 0) { delete sockets[name]; } } } }
let req; if (this.requests[name] && this.requests[name].length) { debug("removeSocket, have a request, make a socket"); req = this.requests[name][0]; } else { // TODO(rickyes): this logic will not be FIFO across origins. // There might be older requests in a different origin, but // if the origin which releases the socket has pending requests // that will be prioritized. const keys = Object.keys(this.requests); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const prop = keys[i]; // Check whether this specific origin is already at maxSockets if (this.sockets[prop] && this.sockets[prop].length) break; debug( "removeSocket, have a request with different origin," + " make a socket", ); req = this.requests[prop][0]; options = req[kRequestOptions]; break; } }
if (req && options) { req[kRequestOptions] = undefined; // If we have pending requests and a socket gets closed make a new one this.createSocket(req, options, (err, socket) => { if (err) { req.onSocket(socket, err); } else { socket.emit("free"); } }); }};
Agent.prototype.keepSocketAlive = function keepSocketAlive(socket) { socket.setKeepAlive(true, this.keepAliveMsecs); socket.unref();
const agentTimeout = this.options.timeout || 0; if (socket.timeout !== agentTimeout) { socket.setTimeout(agentTimeout); }
return true;};
Agent.prototype.reuseSocket = function reuseSocket(socket, req) { debug("have free socket"); socket.removeListener("error", freeSocketErrorListener); req.reusedSocket = true; socket.ref();};
Agent.prototype.destroy = function destroy() { const sets = [this.freeSockets, this.sockets]; for (let s = 0; s < sets.length; s++) { const set = sets[s]; const keys = Object.keys(set); for (let v = 0; v < keys.length; v++) { const setName = set[keys[v]]; for (let n = 0; n < setName.length; n++) { setName[n].destroy(); } } }};
function setRequestSocket(agent, req, socket) { req.onSocket(socket); const agentTimeout = agent.options.timeout || 0; if (req.timeout === undefined || req.timeout === agentTimeout) { return; } socket.setTimeout(req.timeout);}
function asyncResetHandle(socket) { // Guard against an uninitialized or user supplied Socket. const handle = socket._handle; if (handle && typeof handle.asyncReset === "function") { // Assign the handle a new asyncId and run any destroy()/init() hooks. handle.asyncReset(new ReusedHandle(handle.getProviderType(), handle)); socket[async_id_symbol] = handle.getAsyncId(); }}
const globalAgent = new Agent();export default { Agent, globalAgent,};