

Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** Provides utility functions for media types. * * This API is inspired by the GoLang [`mime`]( package * and [jshttp/mime-types]( * * @module */
import db from "./vendor/mime-db.v1.52.0.ts";import { consumeMediaParam, decode2331Encoding, isIterator, isToken, needsEncoding,} from "./_util.ts";
type DB = typeof db;type ContentTypeToExtension = { [K in keyof DB]: DB[K] extends { "extensions": readonly string[] } ? DB[K]["extensions"][number] : never;};type KnownExtensionOrType = | keyof ContentTypeToExtension | ContentTypeToExtension[keyof ContentTypeToExtension] | `.${ContentTypeToExtension[keyof ContentTypeToExtension]}`;
interface DBEntry { source: string; compressible?: boolean; charset?: string; extensions?: string[];}
type KeyOfDb = keyof typeof db;
/** A map of extensions for a given media type. */export const extensions = new Map<string, string[]>();
/** A map of the media type for a given extension */export const types = new Map<string, KeyOfDb>();
/** Internal function to populate the maps based on the Mime DB. */(function populateMaps(): void { const preference = ["nginx", "apache", undefined, "iana"];
for (const type of Object.keys(db) as KeyOfDb[]) { const mime = db[type] as DBEntry; const exts = mime.extensions;
if (!exts || !exts.length) { continue; }
// @ts-ignore work around denoland/dnt#148 extensions.set(type, exts);
for (const ext of exts) { const current = types.get(ext); if (current) { const from = preference.indexOf((db[current] as DBEntry).source); const to = preference.indexOf(mime.source);
if ( current !== "application/octet-stream" && (from > to || // @ts-ignore work around denoland/dnt#148 (from === to && current.startsWith("application/"))) ) { continue; } }
types.set(ext, type); } }})();
/** Given an extension or media type, return a full `Content-Type` or * `Content-Disposition` header value. * * The function will treat the `extensionOrType` as a media type when it * contains a `/`, otherwise it will process it as an extension, with or without * the leading `.`. * * Returns `undefined` if unable to resolve the media type. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { contentType } from "$STD_VERSION/media_types/mod.ts"; * * contentType(".json"); // `application/json; charset=UTF-8` * contentType("text/html"); // `text/html; charset=UTF-8` * contentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // `text/html; charset=UTF-8` * contentType("txt"); // `text/plain; charset=UTF-8` * contentType("foo"); // undefined * contentType("file.json"); // undefined * ``` */export function contentType< // Workaround to autocomplete for parameters: // deno-lint-ignore ban-types T extends (string & {}) | KnownExtensionOrType,>( extensionOrType: T,): Lowercase<T> extends KnownExtensionOrType ? string : string | undefined { try { const [mediaType, params = {}] = extensionOrType.includes("/") ? parseMediaType(extensionOrType) : [typeByExtension(extensionOrType), undefined]; if (!mediaType) { return undefined as Lowercase<T> extends KnownExtensionOrType ? string : string | undefined; } if (!("charset" in params)) { const charset = getCharset(mediaType); if (charset) { params.charset = charset; } } return formatMediaType(mediaType, params); } catch { // just swallow returning undefined } return undefined as Lowercase<T> extends KnownExtensionOrType ? string : string | undefined;}
/** For a given media type, return the most relevant extension, or `undefined` * if no extension can be found. * * Extensions are returned without a leading `.`. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { extension } from "$STD_VERSION/media_types/mod.ts"; * * extension("text/plain"); // `txt` * extension("application/json"); // `json` * extension("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // `html` * extension("application/foo"); // undefined * ``` */export function extension(type: string): string | undefined { const exts = extensionsByType(type); if (exts) { return exts[0]; } return undefined;}
/** Returns the extensions known to be associated with the media type `type`. * The returned extensions will each begin with a leading dot, as in `.html`. * * When `type` has no associated extensions, the function returns `undefined`. * * Extensions are returned without a leading `.`. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { extensionsByType } from "$STD_VERSION/media_types/mod.ts"; * * extensionsByType("application/json"); // ["js", "mjs"] * extensionsByType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); // ["html", "htm", "shtml"] * extensionsByType("application/foo"); // undefined * ``` */export function extensionsByType(type: string): string[] | undefined { try { const [mediaType] = parseMediaType(type); return extensions.get(mediaType); } catch { // just swallow errors, returning undefined }}
/** Serializes the media type and the optional parameters as a media type * conforming to RFC 2045 and RFC 2616. * * The type and parameter names are written in lower-case. * * When any of the arguments results in a standard violation then the return * value will be an empty string (`""`). * * ### Example * * ```ts * import { formatMediaType } from "$STD_VERSION/media_types/mod.ts"; * * formatMediaType("text/plain", { charset: "UTF-8" }); // `text/plain; charset=UTF-8` * ``` */export function formatMediaType( type: string, param?: Record<string, string> | Iterable<[string, string]>,): string { let b = ""; const [major, sub] = type.split("/"); if (!sub) { if (!isToken(type)) { return ""; } b += type.toLowerCase(); } else { if (!isToken(major) || !isToken(sub)) { return ""; } b += `${major.toLowerCase()}/${sub.toLowerCase()}`; }
if (param) { param = isIterator(param) ? Object.fromEntries(param) : param; const attrs = Object.keys(param); attrs.sort();
for (const attribute of attrs) { if (!isToken(attribute)) { return ""; } const value = param[attribute]; b += `; ${attribute.toLowerCase()}`;
const needEnc = needsEncoding(value); if (needEnc) { b += "*"; } b += "=";
if (needEnc) { b += `utf-8''${encodeURIComponent(value)}`; continue; }
if (isToken(value)) { b += value; continue; } b += `"${value.replace(/["\\]/gi, (m) => `\\${m}`)}"`; } } return b;}
/** Given a media type or header value, identify the encoding charset. If the * charset cannot be determined, the function returns `undefined`. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { getCharset } from "$STD_VERSION/media_types/mod.ts"; * * getCharset("text/plain"); // `UTF-8` * getCharset("application/foo"); // undefined * getCharset("application/news-checkgroups"); // `US-ASCII` * getCharset("application/news-checkgroups; charset=UTF-8"); // `UTF-8` * ``` */export function getCharset(type: string): string | undefined { try { const [mediaType, params] = parseMediaType(type); if (params && params["charset"]) { return params["charset"]; } const entry = db[mediaType as KeyOfDb] as DBEntry; if (entry && entry.charset) { return entry.charset; } if (mediaType.startsWith("text/")) { return "UTF-8"; } } catch { // just swallow errors, returning undefined } return undefined;}
/** Parses the media type and any optional parameters, per * [RFC 1521]( Media types are * the values in `Content-Type` and `Content-Disposition` headers. On success * the function returns a tuple where the first element is the media type and * the second element is the optional parameters or `undefined` if there are * none. * * The function will throw if the parsed value is invalid. * * The returned media type will be normalized to be lower case, and returned * params keys will be normalized to lower case, but preserves the casing of * the value. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { parseMediaType } from "$STD_VERSION/media_types/mod.ts"; * import { assertEquals } from "$STD_VERSION/testing/asserts.ts"; * * assertEquals( * parseMediaType("application/JSON"), * [ * "application/json", * undefined * ] * ); * * assertEquals( * parseMediaType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"), * [ * "application/json", * { charset: "UTF-8" }, * ] * ); * ``` */export function parseMediaType( v: string,): [mediaType: string, params: Record<string, string> | undefined] { const [base] = v.split(";"); const mediaType = base.toLowerCase().trim();
const params: Record<string, string> = {}; // Map of base parameter name -> parameter name -> value // for parameters containing a '*' character. const continuation = new Map<string, Record<string, string>>();
v = v.slice(base.length); while (v.length) { v = v.trimStart(); if (v.length === 0) { break; } const [key, value, rest] = consumeMediaParam(v); if (!key) { if (rest.trim() === ";") { // ignore trailing semicolons break; } throw new TypeError("Invalid media parameter."); }
let pmap = params; const [baseName, rest2] = key.split("*"); if (baseName && rest2 != null) { if (!continuation.has(baseName)) { continuation.set(baseName, {}); } pmap = continuation.get(baseName)!; } if (key in pmap) { throw new TypeError("Duplicate key parsed."); } pmap[key] = value; v = rest; }
// Stitch together any continuations or things with stars // (i.e. RFC 2231 things with stars: "foo*0" or "foo*") let str = ""; for (const [key, pieceMap] of continuation) { const singlePartKey = `${key}*`; const v = pieceMap[singlePartKey]; if (v) { const decv = decode2331Encoding(v); if (decv) { params[key] = decv; } continue; }
str = ""; let valid = false; for (let n = 0;; n++) { const simplePart = `${key}*${n}`; let v = pieceMap[simplePart]; if (v) { valid = true; str += v; continue; } const encodedPart = `${simplePart}*`; v = pieceMap[encodedPart]; if (!v) { break; } valid = true; if (n === 0) { const decv = decode2331Encoding(v); if (decv) { str += decv; } } else { const decv = decodeURI(v); str += decv; } } if (valid) { params[key] = str; } }
return Object.keys(params).length ? [mediaType, params] : [mediaType, undefined];}
/** Returns the media type associated with the file extension. Values are * normalized to lower case and matched irrespective of a leading `.`. * * When `extension` has no associated type, the function returns `undefined`. * * ### Examples * * ```ts * import { typeByExtension } from "$STD_VERSION/media_types/mod.ts"; * * typeByExtension("js"); // `application/json` * typeByExtension(".HTML"); // `text/html` * typeByExtension("foo"); // undefined * typeByExtension("file.json"); // undefined * ``` */export function typeByExtension(extension: string): string | undefined { extension = extension.startsWith(".") ? extension.slice(1) : extension; // @ts-ignore workaround around denoland/dnt#148 return types.get(extension.toLowerCase());}