

Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals, assertStringIncludes } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";import { exists, existsSync } from "./exists.ts";
const moduleDir = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url));const testdataDir = path.resolve(moduleDir, "testdata");
Deno.test("[fs] existsFile", async function () { assertEquals( await exists(path.join(testdataDir, "not_exist_file.ts")), false, ); assertEquals(await existsSync(path.join(testdataDir, "0.ts")), true);});
Deno.test("[fs] existsFileSync", function (): void { assertEquals(existsSync(path.join(testdataDir, "not_exist_file.ts")), false); assertEquals(existsSync(path.join(testdataDir, "0.ts")), true);});
Deno.test("[fs] existsDirectory", async function () { assertEquals( await exists(path.join(testdataDir, "not_exist_directory")), false, ); assertEquals(existsSync(testdataDir), true);});
Deno.test("[fs] existsDirectorySync", function (): void { assertEquals( existsSync(path.join(testdataDir, "not_exist_directory")), false, ); assertEquals(existsSync(testdataDir), true);});
Deno.test("[fs] existsLinkSync", function (): void { // TODO(axetroy): generate link file use Deno api instead of set a link file // in repository assertEquals(existsSync(path.join(testdataDir, "0-link")), true);});
Deno.test("[fs] existsLink", async function () { // TODO(axetroy): generate link file use Deno api instead of set a link file // in repository assertEquals(await exists(path.join(testdataDir, "0-link")), true);});
interface Scenes { read: boolean; // --allow-read async: boolean; output: string; file: string; // target file to run}
const scenes: Scenes[] = [ // 1 { read: false, async: true, output: "run again with the --allow-read flag", file: "0.ts", }, { read: false, async: false, output: "run again with the --allow-read flag", file: "0.ts", }, // 2 { read: true, async: true, output: "exist", file: "0.ts", }, { read: true, async: false, output: "exist", file: "0.ts", }, // 3 { read: false, async: true, output: "run again with the --allow-read flag", file: "no_exist_file_for_test.ts", }, { read: false, async: false, output: "run again with the --allow-read flag", file: "no_exist_file_for_test.ts", }, // 4 { read: true, async: true, output: "not exist", file: "no_exist_file_for_test.ts", }, { read: true, async: false, output: "not exist", file: "no_exist_file_for_test.ts", },];
for (const s of scenes) { let title = `test ${s.async ? "exists" : "existsSync"}("testdata/${s.file}")`; title += ` ${ ? "with" : "without"} --allow-read`; Deno.test(`[fs] existsPermission ${title}`, async function () { const args = ["run", "--quiet", "--no-prompt"];
if ( { args.push("--allow-read"); }
args.push(path.join(testdataDir, s.async ? "exists.ts" : "exists_sync.ts")); args.push(s.file);
const { stdout } = await Deno.spawn(Deno.execPath(), { cwd: testdataDir, args, });
assertStringIncludes(new TextDecoder().decode(stdout), s.output); }); // done}