

Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assertEquals, assertRejects, assertThrows,} from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { config, configSync, MissingEnvVarsError, parse } from "./mod.ts";import * as path from "../path/mod.ts";
const moduleDir = path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(import.meta.url));const testdataDir = path.resolve(moduleDir, "testdata");
const testOptions = { path: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env"), defaults: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.defaults"),};
Deno.test("parser", () => { const testDotenv = Deno.readTextFileSync( path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.test"), );
const config = parse(testDotenv); assertEquals(config.BASIC, "basic", "parses a basic variable"); assertEquals(config.AFTER_EMPTY, "empty", "skips empty lines"); assertEquals(config["#COMMENT"], undefined, "skips lines with comments"); assertEquals(config.EMPTY_VALUE, "", "empty values are empty strings");
assertEquals( config.QUOTED_SINGLE, "single quoted", "single quotes are escaped", );
assertEquals( config.QUOTED_DOUBLE, "double quoted", "double quotes are escaped", );
assertEquals( config.MULTILINE, "hello\nworld", "new lines are expanded in double quotes", );
assertEquals( JSON.parse(config.JSON).foo, "bar", "inner quotes are maintained", );
assertEquals( config.WHITESPACE, " whitespace ", "whitespace in single-quoted values is preserved", );
assertEquals( config.WHITESPACE_DOUBLE, " whitespace ", "whitespace in double-quoted values is preserved", );
assertEquals( config.MULTILINE_SINGLE_QUOTE, "hello\\nworld", "new lines are escaped in single quotes", );
assertEquals(config.EQUALS, "equ==als", "handles equals inside string");
assertEquals( config.VAR_WITH_SPACE, "var with space", "variables defined with spaces are parsed", );
assertEquals( config.VAR_WITH_ENDING_WHITESPACE, "value", "variables defined with ending whitespace are trimmed", );
assertEquals( config.V4R_W1TH_NUM8ER5, "var with numbers", "accepts variables containing number", );
assertEquals( config["1INVALID"], undefined, "variables beginning with a number are not parsed", );
assertEquals( config.INDENTED_VAR, "indented var", "accepts variables that are indented with space", );
assertEquals( config.INDENTED_VALUE, "indented value", "accepts values that are indented with space", );
assertEquals( config.TAB_INDENTED_VAR, "indented var", "accepts variables that are indented with tabs", );
assertEquals( config.TAB_INDENTED_VALUE, "indented value", "accepts values that are indented with tabs", );});
Deno.test("with comments", () => { const testDotenv = Deno.readTextFileSync( path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.comments"), );
const config = parse(testDotenv); assertEquals(config.FOO, "bar"); assertEquals(config.GREETING, "hello world");});
Deno.test("configure", () => { let conf = configSync(testOptions);
assertEquals(conf.GREETING, "hello world", "fetches .env");
assertEquals(conf.DEFAULT1, "Some Default", "default value loaded");
conf = configSync({ ...testOptions, export: true }); assertEquals( Deno.env.get("GREETING"), "hello world", "exports variables to env when requested", );
Deno.env.set("DO_NOT_OVERRIDE", "Hello there"); conf = configSync({ ...testOptions, export: true }); assertEquals( Deno.env.get("DO_NOT_OVERRIDE"), "Hello there", "does not export .env value if environment variable is already set", );
assertEquals( configSync( { path: "./.some.non.existent.env", defaults: "./.some.non.existent.env", }, ), {}, "returns empty object if file doesn't exist", );
const originalDenoReadFileSync = Deno.readFileSync; try { // @ts-ignore: for test delete Deno.readFileSync; assertEquals( configSync(testOptions), {}, "returns empty object if Deno.readFileSync is not a function", ); } finally { Deno.readFileSync = originalDenoReadFileSync; }
assertEquals( configSync({ path: "./.some.non.existent.env", defaults: testOptions.defaults, }), { DEFAULT1: "Some Default" }, "returns with defaults if file doesn't exist", );});
Deno.test("configureSafe", () => { // Default let conf = configSync({ ...testOptions, safe: true, }); assertEquals(conf.GREETING, "hello world", "fetches .env");
// Custom .env.example conf = configSync({ safe: true, ...testOptions, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example.test"), });
assertEquals( conf.GREETING, "hello world", "accepts a path to fetch env example from", );
// Custom .env and .env.example conf = configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example.test"), });
assertEquals( conf.GREETING, "hello world", "accepts paths to fetch env and env example from", );
// Throws if not all required vars are there assertThrows(() => { configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), }); }, MissingEnvVarsError);
// Throws if any of the required vars is empty assertThrows(() => { configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), }); }, MissingEnvVarsError);
// Does not throw if required vars are provided by example configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example3.test"), defaults: path.join(moduleDir, "./.env.defaults"), });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars is empty, *and* allowEmptyValues is present configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), allowEmptyValues: true, });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars passed externally Deno.env.set("ANOTHER", "VAR"); configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), });
// Throws if any of the required vars passed externally is empty Deno.env.set("ANOTHER", ""); assertThrows(() => { configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), }); });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars passed externally is empty, *and* allowEmptyValues is present Deno.env.set("ANOTHER", ""); configSync({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), allowEmptyValues: true, });});
Deno.test("configure async", async () => { let conf = await config(testOptions); assertEquals(conf.GREETING, "hello world", "fetches .env");
assertEquals(conf.DEFAULT1, "Some Default", "default value loaded");
conf = await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.test") }); assertEquals(conf.BASIC, "basic", "accepts a path to fetch env from");
conf = await config({ ...testOptions, export: true }); assertEquals( Deno.env.get("GREETING"), "hello world", "exports variables to env when requested", );
Deno.env.set("DO_NOT_OVERRIDE", "Hello there"); conf = await config({ ...testOptions, export: true }); assertEquals( Deno.env.get("DO_NOT_OVERRIDE"), "Hello there", "does not export .env value if environment variable is already set", );
assertEquals( await config( { path: "./.some.non.existent.env", defaults: "./.some.non.existent.env", }, ), {}, "returns empty object if file doesn't exist", );
assertEquals( await config({ ...testOptions, path: "./.some.non.existent.env" }), { DEFAULT1: "Some Default" }, "returns with defaults if file doesn't exist", );});
Deno.test("configureSafe async", async () => { // Default let conf = await config({ ...testOptions, safe: true, }); assertEquals(conf.GREETING, "hello world", "fetches .env");
// Custom .env.example conf = await config({ safe: true, ...testOptions, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example.test"), });
assertEquals( conf.GREETING, "hello world", "accepts a path to fetch env example from", );
// Custom .env and .env.example conf = await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example.test"), });
assertEquals( conf.GREETING, "hello world", "accepts paths to fetch env and env example from", );
// Throws if not all required vars are there assertRejects(async () => { await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), }); }, MissingEnvVarsError);
// Throws if any of the required vars is empty assertRejects(async () => { await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), }); }, MissingEnvVarsError);
// Does not throw if required vars are provided by example await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example3.test"), defaults: path.join(moduleDir, "./.env.defaults"), });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars is empty, *and* allowEmptyValues is present await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), allowEmptyValues: true, });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars passed externally Deno.env.set("ANOTHER", "VAR"); await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), });
// Throws if any of the required vars passed externally is empty Deno.env.set("ANOTHER", ""); assertRejects(async () => { await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), }); });
// Does not throw if any of the required vars passed externally is empty, *and* allowEmptyValues is present Deno.env.set("ANOTHER", ""); await config({ path: path.join(testdataDir, "./"), safe: true, example: path.join(testdataDir, "./.env.example2.test"), allowEmptyValues: true, });});
Deno.test("config defaults", async () => { const { stdout } = await Deno.spawn(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "--allow-read", "--allow-env", path.join(testdataDir, "./app_defaults.ts"), ], cwd: testdataDir, });
const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const conf = JSON.parse(decoder.decode(stdout).trim());
assertEquals(conf.GREETING, "hello world", "fetches .env by default");
assertEquals(conf.DEFAULT1, "Some Default", "default value loaded");});