

Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { bench, runBenchmarks } from "../testing/bench.ts";import { equals32Bit, equalsNaive } from "./equals.ts";
console.log("generating benchmarks...");const testCases: [Uint8Array, Uint8Array][] = [];// CHANGE THESEconst len = 10000;const nCases = 10000;for (let i = 0; i < nCases; i++) { const arr1 = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(len)); const arr2 = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(len)); const arr3 = arr1.slice(0); arr3[arr3.length - 1] = arr1[arr1.length - 1] ^ 1; testCases.push([arr1, arr1.slice(0)]); testCases.push([arr1, arr2]); testCases.push([arr1, arr3]);}
bench({ name: "bench old equals", func(b): void { b.start(); for (const [a, b] of testCases) { equalsNaive(a, b); } b.stop(); },});
bench({ name: "bench simd equals", func(b): void { b.start(); for (const [a, b] of testCases) { equals32Bit(a, b); } b.stop(); },});