

YAML parser and stringifier for JavaScript
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Command-line Tool

Available as npx yaml or npm exec yaml:

yaml: A command-line YAML processor and inspector

Reads stdin and writes output to stdout and errors & warnings to stderr.

  yaml          Process a YAML stream, outputting it as YAML
  yaml cst      Parse the CST of a YAML stream
  yaml lex      Parse the lexical tokens of a YAML stream
  yaml valid    Validate a YAML stream, returning 0 on success

  --help, -h    Show this message.
  --json, -j    Output JSON.

Additional options for bare "yaml" command:
  --doc, -d     Output pretty-printed JS Document objects.
  --single, -1  Require the input to consist of a single YAML document.
  --strict, -s  Stop on errors.
  --visit, -v   Apply a visitor to each document (requires a path to import)
  --yaml 1.1    Set the YAML version. (default: 1.2)