

Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
use anyhow::Context;use bytes::BytesMut;use futures::{future::Either, Stream};use js_sys::{JsString, Promise, Reflect, Uint8Array};use tracing::Instrument;use virtual_fs::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, Pipe};use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsCast, JsValue};use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture;use web_sys::{ ReadableStream, ReadableStreamDefaultController, ReadableStreamDefaultReader, WritableStream,};
use crate::utils::Error;
/// Set up a pipe where data written from JavaScript can be read by the WASIX/// fn input_pipe() -> (Pipe, WritableStream) { let (left, right) = Pipe::channel();
let sink = JsValue::from(WritableStreamSink { pipe: right });
let callback: wasm_bindgen::prelude::Closure<dyn Fn(Uint8Array) -> f64> = wasm_bindgen::closure::Closure::new(|chunk: Uint8Array| chunk.byte_length() as f64);
let stream = WritableStream::new_with_underlying_sink_and_strategy( sink.unchecked_ref(), web_sys::QueuingStrategy::new() .high_water_mark(256.0) .size(callback.into_js_value().unchecked_ref()), ) .unwrap();
(left, stream)}
#[derive(Debug)]#[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)]struct WritableStreamSink { pipe: Pipe,}
#[wasm_bindgen]impl WritableStreamSink { /// This method, also defined by the developer, will be called if the app /// signals that it has finished writing chunks to the stream. The contents /// should do whatever is necessary to finalize writes to the underlying /// sink, and release access to it. If this process is asynchronous, it can /// return a promise to signal success or failure. This method will be /// called only after all queued-up writes have succeeded. pub fn close(&mut self) -> Promise { let mut pipe = self.pipe.clone();
wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise( async move { pipe.flush() .await .context("Flushing failed") .map_err(Error::from)?; pipe.close(); tracing::debug!("Pipe closed");
Ok(JsValue::UNDEFINED) } .in_current_span() .instrument(tracing::debug_span!("close")), ) }
/// This method, also defined by the developer, will be called if the app /// signals that it wishes to abruptly close the stream and put it in an /// errored state. It can clean up any held resources, much like close(), /// but abort() will be called even if writes are queued up — those chunks /// will be thrown away. If this process is asynchronous, it can return a /// promise to signal success or failure. The reason parameter contains a /// string describing why the stream was aborted. pub fn abort(&mut self, reason: JsString) { tracing::debug!(%reason, "Aborting the stream"); self.pipe.close(); }
/// This method, also defined by the developer, will be called when a new /// chunk of data (specified in the chunk parameter) is ready to be written /// to the underlying sink. It can return a promise to signal success or /// failure of the write operation. This method will be called only after /// previous writes have succeeded, and never after the stream is closed or /// aborted (see below). pub fn write(&mut self, chunk: Uint8Array) -> Promise { let mut pipe = self.pipe.clone(); let data = chunk.to_vec();
wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise( async move { tracing::trace!( bytes_written = data.len(), ?data, data_utf8 = String::from_utf8_lossy(&data).as_ref(), );
pipe.write_all(&data) .await .context("Write failed") .map_err(Error::from)?; Ok(JsValue::UNDEFINED) } .in_current_span() .instrument(tracing::trace_span!("write")), ) }}
/// Set up a pipe where the WASIX pipe writes data that will be read from/// fn output_pipe() -> (Pipe, ReadableStream) { let (left, right) = Pipe::channel();
let source = JsValue::from(ReadableStreamSource { pipe: right });
let callback: wasm_bindgen::prelude::Closure<dyn Fn(Uint8Array) -> f64> = wasm_bindgen::closure::Closure::new(|chunk: Uint8Array| chunk.byte_length() as f64);
let stream = ReadableStream::new_with_underlying_source_and_strategy( source.unchecked_ref(), web_sys::QueuingStrategy::new() .high_water_mark(256.0) .size(callback.into_js_value().unchecked_ref()), ) .unwrap();
(left, stream)}
#[derive(Debug)]#[wasm_bindgen(skip_typescript)]struct ReadableStreamSource { pipe: Pipe,}
#[wasm_bindgen]impl ReadableStreamSource { /// This method, also defined by the developer, will be called repeatedly /// when the stream's internal queue of chunks is not full, up until it /// reaches its high water mark. If pull() returns a promise, then it won't /// be called again until that promise fulfills; if the promise rejects, the /// stream will become errored. The controller parameter passed to this /// method is a ReadableStreamDefaultController or a /// ReadableByteStreamController, depending on the value of the type /// property. This can be used by the developer to control the stream as /// more chunks are fetched. This function will not be called until start() /// successfully completes. Additionally, it will only be called repeatedly /// if it enqueues at least one chunk or fulfills a BYOB request; a no-op /// pull() implementation will not be continually called. pub fn pull(&mut self, controller: ReadableStreamDefaultController) -> Promise { let mut pipe = self.pipe.clone();
wasm_bindgen_futures::future_to_promise( async move { /// The maximum buffer size we will allow - helps avoid OOMs. const MAX_CAPACITY: usize = 10_000_000;
let capacity = controller .desired_size() .map(|size| std::cmp::min(size as usize, MAX_CAPACITY)) .unwrap_or(128); let mut buffer = BytesMut::with_capacity(capacity);
match pipe.read_buf(&mut buffer).await.context("Read failed") { Ok(0) => { tracing::debug!("EOF"); controller.close()?; } Ok(bytes_read) => { let data = &buffer[..bytes_read]; tracing::trace!( bytes_read, ?data, data_utf8 = String::from_utf8_lossy(data).as_ref() );
let buffer = Uint8Array::from(data); controller.enqueue_with_chunk(&buffer)?; } Err(e) => { tracing::debug!(error = &*e); let err = JsValue::from(Error::from(e)); controller.error_with_e(&err); } }
Ok(JsValue::UNDEFINED) } .in_current_span() .instrument(tracing::trace_span!("pull")), ) }
/// This method, also defined by the developer, will be called if the app /// signals that the stream is to be cancelled (e.g. if /// ReadableStream.cancel() is called). The contents should do whatever is /// necessary to release access to the stream source. If this process is /// asynchronous, it can return a promise to signal success or failure. The /// reason parameter contains a string describing why the stream was /// cancelled. pub fn cancel(&mut self) { tracing::debug!("Read stream cancelled"); self.pipe.close(); }
/// This property controls what type of readable stream is being dealt with. /// If it is included with a value set to `"bytes"`, the passed controller /// object will be a `ReadableByteStreamController`` capable of handling a /// BYOB (bring your own buffer)/byte stream. If it is not included, the /// passed controller will be a `ReadableStreamDefaultController`. #[wasm_bindgen(getter, js_name = "type")] pub fn type_(&self) -> Option<JsString> { // Note: We can't use BYOB for zero-copy streaming because it'd mean // JavaScript code gets a reference to the buffer allocated inside the // pull() method. That Uint8Array is a view into a linear memory // and would any access after the pull method's promise completes would // be a use-after-free. // // This also works around a limitation in Safari where returning // JsString::from("bytes") causes the browser's *native* code to run the // constructor for ReadableByteStreamController, which isn't implemented // yet. None }}
pub(crate) fn read_to_end(stream: ReadableStream) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Vec<u8>, Error>> { let reader = match ReadableStreamDefaultReader::new(&stream) { Ok(reader) => reader, Err(_) => { tracing::trace!( "The ReadableStream is already locked. Leaving it up to the user to consume." ); return Either::Left(futures::stream::empty()); } };
struct DropGuard(ReadableStreamDefaultReader); impl Drop for DropGuard { fn drop(&mut self) { // Make sure the reader lock always gets released so the caller // isn't left with an unusable stream self.0.release_lock(); } }
let stream = futures::stream::try_unfold(DropGuard(reader), move |reader| async { let next_chunk = JsFuture::from(; let chunk = get_chunk(next_chunk)?; Ok(|c| (c, reader))) });
fn get_chunk(next_chunk: JsValue) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, Error> { let done = JsValue::from_str("done"); let value = JsValue::from_str("value");
let done = Reflect::get(&next_chunk, &done).map_err(Error::js)?; if done.is_truthy() { return Ok(None); }
let chunk = Reflect::get(&next_chunk, &value).map_err(Error::js)?; let chunk = Uint8Array::new(&chunk);
#[cfg(test)]mod tests { use futures::TryStreamExt; use wasm_bindgen_futures::JsFuture; use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test;
use super::*;
#[wasm_bindgen_test] async fn writing_to_the_pipe_is_readable_from_js() { let (mut pipe, stream) = output_pipe();
pipe.write_all(b"Hello, World!").await.unwrap(); pipe.close();
let data = read_to_end(stream) .try_fold(Vec::new(), |mut buffer, chunk| async { buffer.extend(chunk); Ok(buffer) }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(data).unwrap(), "Hello, World!"); }
#[wasm_bindgen_test] async fn multiple_writes_to_an_output_pipe_are_seen_by_js() { let (pipe, stream) = output_pipe();
// Pretend to be a WASIX program writing to stdout in the background wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local({ let mut pipe = pipe.clone(); async move { pipe.write_all(b"Hello").await.unwrap(); pipe.write_all(b", ").await.unwrap(); pipe.write_all(b"World").await.unwrap(); pipe.write_all(b"!").await.unwrap(); pipe.close(); } });
// Pretend to be some JS code using the ReadableStream API to read from // stdout. let data = read_to_end(stream) .try_fold(Vec::new(), |mut buffer, chunk| async { buffer.extend(chunk); Ok(buffer) }) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(data).unwrap(), "Hello, World!");
// Make sure one handle to the pipe stays alive until the very end (e.g. // because it was stored in the runtime). drop(pipe); }
#[wasm_bindgen_test] async fn data_written_by_js_is_readable_from_the_pipe() { let (mut pipe, stream) = input_pipe(); let chunk = Uint8Array::from(b"Hello, World!".as_ref());
let writer = stream.get_writer().unwrap(); JsFuture::from(writer.write_with_chunk(&chunk)) .await .unwrap(); JsFuture::from(writer.close()).await.unwrap();
let mut data = String::new(); pipe.read_to_string(&mut data).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(data, "Hello, World!"); }}