

Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
use futures::channel::oneshot;use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsCast};use wasmer_wasix::{Runtime as _, WasiEnvBuilder};
use crate::{instance::ExitCondition, utils::Error, Instance, RunOptions};
const DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME: &str = "wasm";
/// Run a WASIX program.////// # WASI Compatibility////// The WASIX standard is a superset of [WASI preview 1][preview-1], so programs/// compiled to WASI will run without any problems.////// [WASI Preview 2][preview-2] is a backwards incompatible rewrite of WASI/// to use the experimental [Component Model Proposal][component-model]. That/// means programs compiled for WASI Preview 2 will fail to load.////// [preview-1]: [preview-2]: [component-model]:[wasm_bindgen(js_name = "runWasix")]pub async fn run_wasix(wasm_module: WasmModule, config: RunOptions) -> Result<Instance, Error> { run_wasix_inner(wasm_module, config).await}
#[tracing::instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]async fn run_wasix_inner(wasm_module: WasmModule, config: RunOptions) -> Result<Instance, Error> { let runtime = config.runtime().resolve()?.into_inner();
let program_name = config .program() .as_string() .unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_PROGRAM_NAME.to_string());
let mut builder = WasiEnvBuilder::new(program_name).runtime(runtime.clone()); let (stdin, stdout, stderr) = config.configure_builder(&mut builder)?;
let (exit_code_tx, exit_code_rx) = oneshot::channel();
let module: wasmer::Module = wasm_module.to_module(&*runtime).await?;
// Note: The WasiEnvBuilder::run() method blocks, so we need to run it on // the thread pool. let tasks = runtime.task_manager().clone(); tasks.spawn_with_module( module, Box::new(move |module| { let _span = tracing::debug_span!("run").entered(); let result =; let _ = exit_code_tx.send(ExitCondition::from_result(result)); }), )?;
Ok(Instance { stdin, stdout, stderr, exit: exit_code_rx, })}
#[wasm_bindgen]extern "C" { #[wasm_bindgen(typescript_type = "WebAssembly.Module | Uint8Array")] pub type WasmModule;}
impl WasmModule { async fn to_module( &self, runtime: &dyn wasmer_wasix::Runtime, ) -> Result<wasmer::Module, Error> { if let Some(module) = self.dyn_ref::<js_sys::WebAssembly::Module>() { Ok(module.clone().into()) } else if let Some(buffer) = self.dyn_ref::<js_sys::Uint8Array>() { let buffer = buffer.to_vec(); let module = runtime.load_module(&buffer).await?; Ok(module) } else { unreachable!(); } }}