

Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer
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0.4.0 (2023-11-30)


  • Renamed Wasmer.fromWebc() to Wasmer.fromFile()


  • The Output you get from await instance.wait() now contains stdoutUtf8 and stderrUtf8 fields with stdout/stderr lazily parsed as UTF-8 strings (61f3319)

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where constructing a Directory with a DirectoryInit containing a nested file would error out while creating the file’s parent directory (f45f561)
  • Resolved an unconditional panic when passing a DirectoryInit to Command.spawn() or runWasix()’s mount argument (50df67d)

Code Refactoring

  • Renamed Wasmer.fromWebc() to Wasmer.fromFile() (8bf6868)

0.3.0 (2023-11-27)


  • Removed the Container, Manifest, and Volume types
  • Functionality needing a Runtime will now use a lazily initialized global runtime if one wasn’t provided
  • Renamed SpawnConfig and RunConfig to SpawnOptions and RunOptions.


  • A Wasmer package now has a commands field which maps a Command’s name to its instance (243d4b9)
  • A Wasmer package now has an entrypoint field with a runnable Command (243d4b9)
  • Added a Command.binary() method for accessing the binary run by a Command (243d4b9)
  • Added a Wasmer.fromWebc() constructor for loading a *.webc file (4606724)
  • Functionality needing a Runtime will now use a lazily initialized global runtime if one wasn’t provided (70a2083)
  • Introduced a DirectoryInit type that lets you initialize a Directory with a map from file paths to their contents (553ded5)
  • Rewrote the top-level Wasmer type to represent a package that has been loaded and is ready for execution (9f54cb5)
  • Users are now able to mount directories using either a existing Directory or a DirectoryInit which will be used to instantiate a new Directory (e43ea8c)

Code Refactoring

  • Removed the Container, Manifest, and Volume types (e2ed292)
  • Renamed SpawnConfig and RunConfig to SpawnOptions and RunOptions. (e43ea8c)

0.2.0 (2023-11-24)


  • Users can now mount a Directory (backed by an in-memory filesystem) when spawning WASIX instances (98e5d92)

Bug Fixes

  • The logger will now proxy all messages to the main thread so output from Web Workers can be captured (dba73fd)