

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
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<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <script src="/node_modules/vega/build/vega.js"></script> <script src="/build/vega-lite.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="vis"></div>
<script type="text/javascript"> // global var view = null;
function embed(vlSpec) { if (view) { view.finalize(); }
const vgSpec = vegaLite.compile(vlSpec).spec; view = new vega.View(vega.parse(vgSpec)) .renderer('svg') .initialize('#vis') .run(); }
const winSrc = ['mousemove', 'mouseup']; function mouseEvt(type, target, opts) { opts.bubbles = true; target = winSrc.indexOf(type) < 0 ? target : window;
target.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent('mousemove', {...opts, clientX: opts.clientX - 5, clientY: opts.clientY - 5}) );
target.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousemove', opts));
target.dispatchEvent(type === 'wheel' ? new WheelEvent('wheel', opts) : new MouseEvent(type, opts));
target.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent('mousemove', {...opts, clientX: opts.clientX + 5, clientY: opts.clientY + 5}) ); }
function mark(id, parent) { return document.querySelector((parent ? `g.${parent} ` : '') + `g.mark-symbol.role-mark path:nth-child(${id})`); }
function coords(el) { const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return [Math.ceil(rect.left + rect.width / 2), Math.ceil( + rect.height / 2)]; }
function brushOrEl(el, parent, _) { return !_ ? el : document.querySelector((parent ? `g.${parent} ` : '') + 'g.sel_brush > path'); }
function click(el, evt) { mouseEvt('mousedown', el, evt); mouseEvt('mouseup', window, evt); mouseEvt('click', el, evt); }
async function brush(id0, id1, parent, targetBrush) { const el0 = mark(id0, parent); const el1 = mark(id1, parent); const [mdX, mdY] = coords(el0); const [muX, muY] = coords(el1); mouseEvt('mousedown', brushOrEl(el0, parent, targetBrush), {clientX: mdX, clientY: mdY}); mouseEvt('mouseup', window, {clientX: muX, clientY: muY}); return (await view.runAsync()).data('sel_store'); }
async function pt(id, parent, shiftKey) { const el = mark(id, parent); const [clientX, clientY] = coords(el); click(el, {clientX, clientY, shiftKey}); return (await view.runAsync()).data('sel_store'); }
async function clear(id, parent, shiftKey) { const bg = document.querySelector((parent ? `g.${parent} ` : '') + 'path.background'); const el = mark(id, parent); let [clientX, clientY] = coords(el); clientX += 10; clientY -= 10; click(bg, {clientX, clientY, shiftKey}); return (await view.runAsync()).data('sel_store'); }
async function zoom(id, delta, parent, targetBrush) { const el = mark(id, parent); const [clientX, clientY] = coords(el); mouseEvt('wheel', brushOrEl(el, parent, targetBrush), { clientX, clientY, deltaX: delta, deltaY: delta, deltaZ: delta }); mouseEvt('wheel', brushOrEl(el, parent, targetBrush), { clientX, clientY, deltaX: Math.sign(delta), deltaY: Math.sign(delta), deltaZ: Math.sign(delta) }); return (await view.runAsync()).data('sel_store'); } </script> </body></html>