class HTTPRequest
import { HTTPRequest } from "";

Represents an HTTP request sent by a page.


client: CDPSession,
frame: Frame | null,
interceptionId: string | undefined,
allowInterception: boolean,
event: Protocol.Network.RequestWillBeSentEvent,
redirectChain: HTTPRequest[],


_failureText: string | null
_fromMemoryCache: boolean
_interceptionId: string | undefined
_redirectChain: HTTPRequest[]
_requestId: string
_response: HTTPResponse | null
client: CDPSession

Warning! Using this client can break Puppeteer. Use with caution.


abort(errorCode?: ErrorCode, priority?: number): Promise<void>

Aborts a request.

abortErrorReason(): Protocol.Network.ErrorReason | null
continue(overrides?: ContinueRequestOverrides, priority?: number): Promise<void>

Continues request with optional request overrides.

continueRequestOverrides(): ContinueRequestOverrides
enqueueInterceptAction(pendingHandler: () => void | PromiseLike<unknown>): void

Adds an async request handler to the processing queue. Deferred handlers are not guaranteed to execute in any particular order, but they are guaranteed to resolve before the request interception is finalized.

failure(): { errorText: string; } | null

Access information about the request's failure.

finalizeInterceptions(): Promise<void>

Awaits pending interception handlers and then decides how to fulfill the request interception.

frame(): Frame | null
headers(): Record<string, string>
initiator(): Protocol.Network.Initiator
interceptResolutionState(): InterceptResolutionState
method(): string
postData(): string | undefined
redirectChain(): HTTPRequest[]

A redirectChain is a chain of requests initiated to fetch a resource.

resourceType(): ResourceType

Contains the request's resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine.

respond(response: Partial<ResponseForRequest>, priority?: number): Promise<void>

Fulfills a request with the given response.

response(): HTTPResponse | null
responseForRequest(): Partial<ResponseForRequest> | null
url(): string
import HTTPRequest
import { HTTPRequest } from "";