

A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
/* Superset of the Ohm grammar that allows examples to be embedded in comments. Any valid Ohm grammar will also be matched by this grammar. */// Example://+ "//+ \"x\"\nG {\n//- \"\"\nstart = \"x\"}"OhmWithExamples <: Ohm { // The default start rule for Ohm is 'Grammars', which is syntactic rule. // When the start rule is a syntactic rule, there's no way to get access to // leading space (including comments). So, for this grammar to be useful, // you have to explicit use this rule as the start rule. grammarsWithExamples = (exampleComments applySyntactic<Grammar>)* Grammar := ident SuperGrammar? "{" (#exampleComments Rule)* "}" exampleComments = (spacesNoExampleComment exampleComment)* // Examples: //+ "//+ \"blah\"" //+ "//- \"one\", \"two\"" //- "// - \"x\", "//-\"x\" exampleComment = "//+" examples -- positive | "//-" examples -- negative examples = spaceNoNl+ nonemptyListOf<terminal, exampleSep> spaceNoNl* exampleSep = "," spaces exampleCommentPrefix = "//+" | "//-" spaceNoNl = ~"\n" space spacesNoExampleComment = (~exampleCommentPrefix space)*}
/* A stricter version of the grammar that prevents many malformed example comments from being parsed as regular comments. */OhmWithExamplesStrict <: OhmWithExamples { // Redefine 'comment' to avoid malformed example comments from silently // being parsed as regular comments. comment := | ~exampleCommentPrefix comment_singleLine | comment_multiLine}