

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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oak and Deno Deploy

oak v7.1.0 introduced support for Deno Deploy. Using oak with Deno Deploy is just like using oak with the Deno CLI, and most things should “just work”.

This guide focuses on writing oak for a Deno Deploy application, and does not cover in depth the usage of Deno Deploy. The Deno Deploy Docs should be used for that.


There are a few considerations when currently with Deno Deploy:

  • Deno Deploy does not currently support web sockets. Trying to upgrade a connection to a web socket will fail.
  • The command line utility for Deploy (deployctl) cannot properly type check oak at the moment. You should use --no-check to bypass type checking when using oak with deployctl.

Handling requests

The biggest difference between using oak with Deno Deploy is that you don’t open a listener via the .listen() method, instead the Application class has a method named .fetchEventHandler(). This method will create an event handler which can be registered with the Deno Deploy "fetch" event. For example:

import { Application } from "";

const app = new Application();

/* ... register middleware ... */

addEventListener("fetch", app.fetchEventHandler());

Then when you Deploy application receives requests, the oak application and middleware will handle them.

Better IDE Integration

If you are using the Deno CLI Language Server in your editor (like via vscode_deno), you can add the following to the top of a Deploy script to get better intellisense.

/// <reference path="" />
/// <reference path="" />
/// <reference path="" />