

Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
method kysely.OnConflictBuilder.prototype.whereRef
import { kysely } from "";
const { OnConflictBuilder } = kysely;

Adds a where clause where both sides of the operator are references to columns.

The normal where method treats the right hand side argument as a value by default. whereRef treats it as a column reference. This method is expecially useful with joins and correlated subqueries.


Usage with a join:

db.selectFrom(['person', 'pet'])
  .whereRef('person.first_name', '=', '')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select * from "person", "pet" where "person"."first_name" = "pet"."name"

Usage in a subquery:

const persons = await db
  .select((eb) => eb
    .whereRef('pet.owner_id', '=', '')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

select "person".*, (
  select "name"
  from "pet"
  where "pet"."owner_id" = "person"."id"
  limit $1
) as "pet_name"
from "person"

Type Parameters

LRE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>
RRE extends ReferenceExpression<DB, TB>